A Simple Jew
אַשְׂכִּילָה בְּדֶרֶךְ תָּמִים
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
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May you grow and go from strength to strength, and make a Siyum HaShas soon - in the Beis HaMikdash!!! Keep up the great work!
Thanks, Yitz :)
I'd slap you on the back, but I see you beat me to it.....
Mazal Tov.
I appreciate it, Hirshel ;)
Gevaldig!! You should be zoche to finish shas many times, bavli, yerushalmi, medrashim etc etc
Mazal Tov, SJ! May Hashem help you finish the entire Shas Bavli & Yerushalmi, Midrashim, Zohar, Nigla & Nistar and may you merit to see all your offspring "Oskim B'Torah"! Warmest regards from sunny Ashdod.
Michoel: I appreciate your warm words. Have you been a reader of this blog for awhile?
The Real Me: Thank you my friend!
Rabbi Brody: As always, your words of encouragement are what keep me going and aspiring to new levels. I can never thank you enough!
I have not been a regular reader but have vistied from time to time. There are, if fact, not many blogs that I read at all. Yours is one of the ones I like.
I appreciate your compliment, Michoel ;)
Mazel Tov to you!
Thanks PT! I know you also recently had a siyum
congratulations! i never finish a guemarra but now im studing taanit..just like you!
I hope we can finish together whit the mashiaj in Ierushalaim.
G-d willing! It is nice to know somewhere out there is learning the same thing :)
Have you been reading this blog for a long time? Where are you writing from?
i think Yes, like a year, i like this blog too much, i learn a lot. I remember once i send you an e-mail.
im a hassid breslev from Argentina.
Kol tuv veshabbat shalom! ilán gadi
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