The Hasidic Niggun As Sung By The Hasidim

Last week, I bought a copy of the CD "'The Hasidic Niggun As Sung By The Hasidim" after reading my friend Hirshel Tzig's posting. Although I am familiar and enjoy the niggunim of Chabad and Breslov, I was surprised to discover upon listening to it for the first time last night that I also connected with the niggunim of Vizhnitz.
My favorite tracks on this CD are:
Disk 1
5 - Two dance niggunim of Vizhnitz Hasidim
7 - Berl's Niggun
20 - Medley of "Meron tunes"
Disk 2
6 - Niggun of the Maggid of Mezhirech
7 - Yearning niggun
12 - Ki hinneh kahomer
17 - "Varshever marsh"
Note: I was also interested to read in the liner notes that the yahrzeit of the third Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Rebbe Yisroel Hager (the Ahavas Yisroel) is 2 Sivan; my newborn daughter's birthday.
that is a serious collection. I'm a big fan of it (and I'm as misnagdish as they come). Hebrew U should be complimented on a serious, yet loving, treatment.
jdub: Thanks for the comment. What is it about this collection that you like best?
speaking of Niggunim, do you have this wonderful link?
Once I played one of these for a Rabbi whom I thought might like it. After a pause when he seemed to be lost in thought he said "I was there the night he recorded that."
I get goosebumbs now every time i listen to them.
hope you enjoy them at least as much as i do.
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