Milk And Honey Under Your Tongue - Part II

I would like to express my hakaras hatov to the Ribbono shel Olam for His brocha of parnossa. I would also like to thank the following people that gave me a brocha that I be matzliach to get this new job:
The Melitzer Rebbe
The Sudilkover Rebbe
The Clevelander Rebbe
Rav Elazar Kenig
Rabbi Lazer Brody
Rabbi Dovid Sears
Rabbi Binyomin Rosenberg
Rabbi Tal Zwecker
Today I received word that is literal fulfillment of the Melitzer Rebbe's brocha from June 2005.
Beautiful. This shows that Hishtadlus & Tefillah really can help a person. May your new position allow you more opportunities to make a kiddush Hashem.
What does this chart represent?
Mazal Tov! Thanks for the beautiful news, SJ! Gmar chasima tova, blessings and warm regards, LB
Mazal Tov! and Gmar Chatimah Tova to you, ASJ, and to all Jews, who are Simple and Sincere, who love Hashem and seek His guidance.
Mazal tov!
Rabbi Brody: I can't thank you enough!
Simple Photography: I appreciate your warm words.
Mottel: Thank you my friend!
Mazal Tov! It should only be for a bracha...and what an auspicious time to be starting something new! Is it in the same department you were in before or a different one entirely?
Great! Much hatzlacha! A g'mar chasima tova! If any of your supervisors are Jewish, for them, too.
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