"Wearing A Sheitel Was Senseless"
Neshama commenting on Sheitel vs. Shterntichel
To all concerned:
"...it is the way of kosher Jewish daughters that they are nauseated by strange men placing a covetous eye upon them." (Seridei Eish)
Is this ever the truth.
The Baal Shem Tov's wife and daughter, I'm sure, was a full tzenuah. Her wearing a kerchief was the way of a Bas Yisrael then and now.
This is one source: From the incident of the Sotah. The Torah tells us that her head is to be uncovered [in shame], from which Chazal have learned out that the Jewish married woman normally covered her hair.
There are many sources. But the fact is that this is a "natural inborn feeling of the Bas Yisrael". There is a movement in Eretz HaKodesh to awaken the natural Jewish chein buried under many a glamorous sheitel (and less then Tznius clothing) walking around Israel.
Sarah Imeinu was an immensely tzanua woman and covered her beauty with a shawl over the head and shoulders. Rivka Imeinu covered her innocence with a veil over the face. There are many instances of such modesty through our generations.
Do you realize that Jewish and non-Jewish WOMEN covered their hair up until WWI and from then until WWII it was all downhill with clothing. I know some won't see it that way and will object strongly. But this is true.
No one is brave enough to say this. The sheitels many women wear today are better than their own hair, make them look like Paris models, Bloomies catalog models. The Jewish woman has a regal, royal neshomah. The folly of this golus's Yetzer has grabbed on to the sensitive Jewish Bas Yisrael. It is a situation of immense sensitivity I realize, but it must be brought out in the open.
Married women need to move UP in their level of observance in the Eyes of Hashem and wear a cloth covering of whatever style they decide on (because there are varying styles), and they would then look in appearance as a married woman, a modest woman, a Royal Jewish Bas Yisrael. Hashem created the human neshoma to be housed in our brains, and when a Jewish married woman covered her own hair (not a sheitel) with a covering, she is acknowledging the supremacy of her neshoma. Once she will take upon herself to do this, some have experienced amazing things.
This is a subject dear to my heart. I determined a while ago that wearing a sheitel was senseless (to wear a non-Jewish woman's hair); it did not make me look more Jewish or modest. I always felt strange in one. And I objected to the commercialism and profiteering of the business of providing European non-Jewish women's hair for our own Royal Bas Yisrael. I don't mind discussing this with anyone who wants to discuss it further.
Well I'm going to have to take issue with what you are saying. Halacha does not necessarily follow our idea of common sense. Rabbi Moshe Fienstien said regardless of how real a wig may look makes no difference and we should assume you are wearing a shaitel. In the same way we give clean shaven men the benfit that they must be using an electric shaver etc.. Modesty is an issue and a woman can certainly choose to wear very modest clothing to decern herself from the non-jew. I applaud your modesty but not everyone is on the level of Sarah imainuh. It's certainly not for everyone and it's arguable as to wether it has any halachic basis.
> in the same way we give clean shaven men the benfit that they must be using an electric shaver etc..
Why is it a benefit? Electric shaver is prohibited by most of the poyskim. Giving a benefit would be, if we'll assume that the beard was removed with a chemical, or for some medical reasons.
Here is a good kuntreys on the subject of "Beard in Halocho":
I wholeheartedly diasgree with this post. We live in the Western world. To wear a snood looks, for lack of a better word, wierd. It is impossible to get Jewish women in the US and other countries to cover their hair in any other way.
There is an article by Gavriel Zinner in Ohr Torah from about three years ago about the topic. Why have so many chaddishe Rebbe endorsed sheitel wearing and silenced those opposed to sheitels? His point was that there is a method to their madness and don't try to be frummer than thou.
Interesting post! I'm happy to discuss it further.
I understand what you are saying. I think the quote by Rav Auerbach zt"l is true as well.
I myself wear sheitels and snoods and scarves and hats. I wear snoods most of the time, mainly because they are the most comfortable. I would wear them always, but my Rebbetzin wears a sheitel and my Rabbi has stated that the preferred way for a woman to cover her hair in our community is with a sheitel.
I have no problem going out in a snood. Yes, I get many stares, and even questions, but that gives me the opportunity to tell about the modesty of a married Jewish woman. I think we should look different than the rest of the world, since we are indeed different.
However, since my Rabbi has stated that the sheitel is preferred, I wear it when I go out to do anything other than running errands.
If my Rabbi said what you are saying, I would gladly go to wearing cloth only, but he has said the opposite. I'm curious as to what your Rabbi has said. Would you mind sharing? Thanks!
Halacha does not necessarily follow our idea of common sense.
I'm sorry JB, but the Gemara says that s'vara is D'Oraysah - logic is from the Torah. I never understood the logic of those who prefer to cover their hair with something that looks like...hair! Would you cover your body with something that looks like that which you are trying to cover [a picture of what's underneath]?
However, it seems that there are many poskim that do allow women to observe this mitzva by using a sheitel. But even those have limited this to those that are not outlandish, as unfortunately, too many of today's wigs are.
Also, it should be stated that there are many contemporary poskim that are very much against wigs - Rav Ovadiah Yosef and Rav Moshe Sternbuch come readily to mind.
PS - Again, here in Israel, the wearing of a tichel or kerchief is much less problematic than in the US, where it's almost impossible for a woman to do so, especially if she's working.
Another good reason for Aliya! After the 'scare' of a year or so ago, many women who were wearing sheitlach switched to tichlach, and did not return after the 'crisis' ended!
> I wholeheartedly diasgree with this post. We live in the Western world.
> To wear a snood looks, for lack of a better word, wierd. It is impossible
> to get Jewish women in the US and other countries to cover their hair in any other way.
I don't think it is impossible. But there is no point in "getting" them to do it. Those who want do it anyway.
> There is an article by Gavriel Zinner in Ohr Torah from about three years ago about the topic.
> Why have so many chaddishe Rebbe endorsed sheitel wearing and silenced those opposed to sheitels?
> His point was that there is a method to their madness and don't try to be frummer than thou.
This is arguable. Many were seriously opposed. Darchey Tshuvo writes, that a shoychet who's wife is using a sheitl shoudln't be allowed to shecht! Others were not so opposed, but it has nothing to do with easters/western or the like. This is a question either it is permitted or not.
> However, since my Rabbi has stated that the sheitel is preferred
Do you know why is it preferred?
To anonymous, Elisheva & Jewish Blogmeister:
JB, where does Rabbi Feinstein zt”l say this? Source please. [BTW the rumour about chalav stam is also questionable]
With all due respect to the Rabbonim that “allow” sheitels, it is nevertheless NOT THE WAY OF THE JEWISH WOMAN. Our minds are reflecting the milieu in which we were born and raised. This is why the spiritual level of each generation after Har Sinai kept dropping in its expression of tzidkus, until we have our generation. Our generation is not the epitome of what an observant Jew’s potential is. Our minds are the vehicles by which we have a relationship with Hashem, and yet, we only use approximately 10% of that muscle. So can anyone say we know better? How can we know better than our great Avos and Imahos?
Do you know where the HUMRA to wear sheitels came from? In Russia at the turn of the century (I don’t have the exact year) ALL JEWISH WOMEN COVERED THEIR HEADS OUTSIDE THE HOME, while wearing a type-of-sheitel in the home for their husbands. There were pogroms and because their heads were covered they were identifiable as Jews and attacked. They became targets because of the scarves. So the Rabbonim of the time after deliberation allowed the women to wear their sheitels outside the home – I would say sakanos nefoshos.
After that, from then until today, we have the progression of the sheitel. So, while it was “allowed”, it was not the true purpose. No one can tell me that the glamorous locks adorning many a Jewish woman really identifies her as a married woman! There have been (married) women suggested for a shidduch! – because of the nature of their appearance. It is not from modesty that a single bochur would approach someone to propose a shidduch with Mrs Ploni – if she was noticeably identifiable as married.
The western world is on the way out; it has slipped into the depravity and confusion reflective of previous nations that disappeared. Yes, it is mind-boggling to even imagine that this Golus is coming to an end!! That is not to scare anyone, because our Abishteh loves His children and wants the best for us. But the world was created for 6000 years before Moshiach and the year of KULO SHABBOS arrives.
The western world?
The chassidishe woman covers her hair. She wears a silk scarf, wrapped attractively and coordinated with their very modest clothing. They look beautifully modest. The next group among them wear a short sheitel with a hat. The group that wear the sheitels are the more modern among them, but nevertheless chassidish.
Eretz HaKodesh
The brave pioneering women on the borders of what is Eretz Yisrael now, wear scarves. They look very modest and humble. The very pretty head coverings come from Eretz HaKodesh. Also there are certain chassidishe groups that dress exactly the same as their western world groups. Ever since the “sheitel fiasco/avoda zarah scare,” the Rabbonim paskined how their female members are to dress.
The Yeshivish velt mostly wear sheitels, some more modestly than others. And some wear snoods, some more stylish than others, by choice. But most recently there was a gathering of the husbands and fathers in an effort to have them stress to their wives and daughters that certain styles being worn are NOT TZNIUS and are requesting a change for the better.
There was another group who gathered and protested the rampant immodesty among women.
Now, I do not belong to any particular group. I took it upon myself, with my dedication to what Hashem wants, and in response to the madness that is claiming innocent Neshomas, and putting Yirei Shomayim men in great distress. There is much to be said about this, but not here.
A woman must do the correct thing. And the correct thing is to remove that sheitel and cover your hair with something that will tastefully cover your hair and grace your apparel. You will find when you do, not all your clothing will look the same. There will be no conflict with the Tznius clothing in your closet, but the less than Tznius clothing will be glaringly apparent. But you will experience greater shalom bayis, your mind will be more discerning, you will feel regal and will look regal. It is up to the woman herself to come to terms with this.
If there is a Rabbi or husband that wants to know the true sources for this, there is a Rabbi in Eretz HaKodesh that we spend however much time is needed to help them understand, at his expense.
I did not ask my Rabbi. My husband’s reaction has been extremely positive and supportive. I am in touch with someone in Eretz HaKodesh from whom I learned much of what I have written about. There are other women in Eretz HaKodesh who have done the same and experienced the same and/or greater elevations. I think there may be a book coming out soon with all this information therein, with sources et al. I am not the typical woman and B”H have been able to climb each rung when I was ready. This is what I did, and everything in this and the above paragraph is true from personal experience. I am not frumpy, have received myriad compliments from other women. They even said they would love to do the same, but because of peer pressure are not strong enough. These are modest women.
I hope this is not too verbose, and hope not to have offended anyone, but covered any questions, and appreciate being able to reach out to other Jewish women. TU ASJ
I'm actually quite in shock from this all . . .
While there are gedolei yisroel that instruct their followers not to wear a sheitel, and those who make these gedolim their teachers are obligated to listen to them, it by no means gives one the right to negate those who follow in the paths of our Rebbe ans teachers who have explicitly allowed and encouraged the use of a sheitel!
One need only look at the wives of so many tzadikim and poskim to see that they go proudly with a sheitel.
In a matter of halacha one's personal feelings -that one feels that a silk scarf is attractive and a sheitel the hair of a non-jewish woman is a personal decision. etc.
True there are sheitelach that are not in direct accordance with tznieus, but how does it differ in any way from such abuses as clothes that are too tight, shirts that are too high or with slits? Would one tell a lady to stop wearing a skirt since there are those who distort it's proper use?
One need only look at the scarf itself, to see the abuses and out right violation of tznieus inherent in it's use. The danger of exposing hair -an explicit violation of halacha- is a virtual reality when using a scarf, even a snood!
The subject is long, and must get to class, however, let it be understood that there are many halachic authorities, by who's very mouths we live, as well as tzadikim and Rebbiem, pillars of truth, who have instructed Jewish Daughters to wear a sheitel . . .
To Neshama: You said that you "did not ask my Rabbi" - may I ask why not?
To A Yid: No, I don't know why it is preferred.
As an outsider, for a married woman to cover her hair makes perfect sense to me. I wish it was common for married women regardless of religion in the US. The institution of marriage needs all the help it can get. And lack of modesty is seriously out of control, IMO.
Out of curiosity, is one of the issues that- from a Torah perspective- one's own hair has a certain attraction that another's (in the form of a wig- even one quite beautiful) does not? I know that may sound like a strange distinction to some. In other words, is their some kind of unconscious spiritual or emotional response that humans may have to the real hair versus the 'fake'?
One need only look at the wives of so many tzadikim and poskim to see that they go proudly with a sheitel.
Mottel, do you know that many wives of "tzaddikim & poskim" in the 1930s, 40s and 50s DID NOT COVER THEIR HAIR AT ALL???
Food for thought...
Yitz: For such a statement, examples should be provided.
To not covers one hair is a violation of halacha etc. To use a sheitel is backed by halacha.
oy, here we go again.
it's so easy to care about a subject from the comfort and anonymity of my leather chair behind the computer screen.
elisheva: i too raise the question on "i did not ask my rabbi". i wonder what would happen if said rabbi says yes to shaitels when asked.
ytiz: please ignore anon. it is just bait for wild loshon harah. what you say is true, and a source of great turmoil to the children (talmidim included) of those people.
to the post-writer: a chumra in tzenius may yield a kula in shalom bayis, and must be approached with great cheshbon, vihamaivin yavin.
Josh wrote: a chumra in tzenius may yield a kula in shalom bayis, and must be approached with great cheshbon, vihamaivin yavin.
Your statement is somewhat cryptic, & by your signoff, "hamavin yavin," seems to be intentionally so. If you mean that if women take on wearing tichlach [kerchiefs], snoods, hats, etc. as opposed to wearing shaitlach [wigs], that their husbands may be upset with this; I would respond in the same fashion as you - perhaps a chumra in Shalom Bayis may cause a real pirtza [breach] in tzniyus, and this is also a serious problem which should "be approached with great cheshbon" and caution. If this is NOT what you mean, than please "spell it out" for us.
In any case, thank you for your defense of my earlier statement - I wasn't going to respond for exactly the reason you stated - that it would lead to Lashon Hara. But I can say this - when Rebbetzin Bulman was about to be married to Rav Nachman Bulman zt"l, he asked her to cover her hair. [This was around 1950]. She kinda gulped, (as mentioned) since there was almost NOBODY who did this. However, she respected her husband's wishes and decided that she would cover her hair NOTICEABLY. To this day, she never wears a shaitel, only hats, snoods and the like.
to the post-writer: a chumra in tzenius may yield a kula in shalom bayis, and must be approached with great cheshbon, vihamaivin yavin.
On the contrary, a step in the correct direction concerning tznius is never a kula, it is a Kiddush Hashem, because Hashem hates pritzus. The husbands (Rabbis or not) that prefer a sheitel are doing it only because they believe that the halacha is on their side, and wish to abide by halacha. But the history of this development is most definitely on the side of the non-sheitel head covering.
I have literature in Hebrew that I need translated, but until that is accomplished, anyone wishing greater information please send an email to tznius.awareness@yahoo.com and I will do my utmost to have that information sent to you.
Just found this. Here is an excerpt from the page:
Intriguingly, editor Lynne Schreiber's opening essay notes that in three "serious halachic communities of a century or more ago Lithuania, Morocco and Rumania women did not cover their hair at all." Schreiber promptly busts one "popular revisionist perspective," that Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik was upset that his wife did not cover her hair. She was, Schreiber says, from Lithuanian background, and in fact "individuals who spoke personally with Rabbi Soloveitchik about the matter of hair covering attest to his insistence that his wife's practice of not covering her hair was, in fact, halachically sound, although no one will go on the record to quote the Rav's reasons in part because he apparently swore them to secrecy."
Schreiber adds that no former students of the Rav would go on the record for her book, for fear that haredi leaders would annihilate their rabbinic careers. However, that omission is more than compensated for by her footnote listing halachic authorities who ruled in writing "that there is no obligation for a woman to cover her hair in a society where modest women generally do not." These include the 19th-century Iraqi rabbi Ben Ish Hai, the most popular Sephardi posek before Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.
please, i am searching to find ways to tie/wrap scarves of different shapes, bezrat hashem. i am especially curious as to the way of the breslover women.
i thank you for your attention and consideration of this matter.
aviva adria
Hair Coverings – It is time to UnCover
I am writing to raise a simple and very important question:
Where is the codified Halacha that a married woman must cover all her hair, all the time, whenever she steps out of her house, whether it is summer or winter?
There is NO CODIFIED HALACHA that a married woman must cover her hair totally and constantly whenever she steps out of her house.
The halachah has been totally MISINTERPRETED, and in fact, relates ONLY to a married woman covering her hair when she lights the candles to welcome in Shabbat and Yom Tov – lechavod Shabbat ve Yom Tov, and when she goes to the Synagogue.
Therefore, for religious men/women to impose hair coverings on other women, whenever they step out of their houses is against the Torah. This misinterpretation of the Torah is completely ASSUR, and a TWISTING of the Torah.
In ancient times, a woman would only cover her hair upon entering the Beit Hamikdash. Similarly for the Sotah - otherwise she would not cover her hair ordinarily, day to day.
It is very important for people to know and realise that when a married woman covers her hair with 'REAL HAIR' the woman is covering herself with 100%TUMAH. This is TOTALLY AGAINST the Torah AND IS 100% ASSUR.
She can never fully be sure that this 'hair' has not come from MEITIM - despite any guarantee by the seller.
This 'real hair' is doubly and in some circumstances, triply TUMAH. FIRSTLY, it will contain the leftover dead hair cells from another person - however much it has been treated, the tumah is still there.
SECONDLY, this other person (likely to be a non-Jew who most likely was involved in some kind of AVODAH ZARAH) may have eaten bacon, ham, lobster etc, all of which are totally forbidden as unclean and non-kosher foods in Halacha.
THIRDLY, if the woman happens to be the wife of a COHEN, then she is bringing her husband into close contact and proximity with meitim and Tumah Every day, and throughout their married life - clearly strictly against the Torah.
Men have degraded women in order to suit their own sexual desires and needs. Some men actually prefer to see their wives in wigs because they look more sexually attractive to them than their real hair.
There is nothing more degrading and demeaning to a woman than to make her cover her hair upon marriage. Frankly it is an abhorrent practice. By quoting feeble non-starter arguments like 'Tzniut' - 'Modesty' not backed up by clear Halacha, the Rabbis and Rebbetzins are making a complete MOCKERY of the Torah, and all the good values that they stand for.
It is extremely unhealthy and unhygienic for a woman to cover her hair constantly. The hair needs oxygen to breathe.
In addition, hair covering is a form of oppression to women by men, and doing so, can undoubtedly cause a certain type of depression in women, once their hair is covered so permanently for life. It is a vile and abhorrent practice.
A woman's hair will lose its natural beauty and shine, she may have scalp problems, some of her hair may fall out, she may get headaches, and she may end up cutting it short like a man, when she always wore it long, in order not to have too much discomfort from her hair covering.
Do you think that HaKadosh Baruch Hu commanded this of women? I can assure you that He did not.
The commmandments are not meant to cause so much repression and oppression in women.
The Goyim also look at us in disgust when they know that Jewish women cover their hair and wear wigs. They think that we are going against all the light and the beautiful principles that we, Am Yisrael, brought into the world.
And therefore, for a woman to start doing this nonsensical act of covering her hair, all the time, in all seasons and temperatures, is against the Torah, and is also a form of CHILLUL HASHEM. Exactly the opposite of all the arguments put forward for this unnecessary sacrifice.
For a married woman to cover her hair is a Chillul Hashem, and is in no way, a Kiddush Hashem.
It is also against all common sense, apart from anything else, otherwise why would Hashem have created women with hair on their heads in the first place?
To all the women reading this: Please think about all that I have said above. As there is NO HALACHAH for a married woman to constantly cover her hair once she steps out of her house, PLEASE have the intelligence and moral strength of character to remove your wigs, and hair coverings, other than to bring in Shabbat and Yom Tov, and to go to the Synagogue.
It is totally AGAINST THE TORAH for any married woman to be covering her hair constantly, ( e.g especially in the hot summer), when she steps out of her house. This is a MISREPRESENTATION and TWISTING of the Torah.
It is far better to admit a wrong and do Teshuvah now, whilst there is time, than to leave it until it is TOO LATE - AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT.
For a woman to cover her hair with REAL HAIR is to cover herself with complete TUMAH, and also against the Torah. If she happens to be the wife of a COHEN, then she is bringing her husband into close contact and proximity with meitim and Tumah every day - clearly strictly against the Torah.
Deborah Shaya,
London, England.
I have correctly stated that the Halachah has been MISinterpreted - i.e. it has not been interpreted correctly.
When the Halachah refers to "Covering hair," it does not mean "Cover your hair with hair!" and "constantly for life." The Halachah is that:
A married woman is required to cover her hair when she lights the candles to welcome in Shabbat and Yom Tov – lechavod Shabbat ve Yom Tov - and when she goes to the Synagogue, because that is the place of Kedusha.
The Halacha does not require anything more from married women.
Rabbi Menachem Schneeersohn tz”l, gave the directive that a married woman must cover her head with a “sheitel.”This needs to be corrected. Rabbi Schneersohn a"h, was a Tzaddik, – but on this – he was, unfortunately not correct.
1. To all the women who are wondering about the sources:
We have all been created, "Betselem Elokim" - "in the image of Elokim."
This means that we have been given something called "intelligence." The source is the very first Parsha, Bereishit - 1:27.
It is time that people use the spark of intelligence and Kedusha with which Hashem has blessed them.
If your rabbi will tell you to go and jump into the depths of a glacier, would you do that too – and give me a source for it?
“According to the Zohar”, I should also be covering my hair with a wig when I have a bath. “According to the Zohar and the Gemara” and all the sources that have misinterpreted the Halachah, and MIStranslated the Zohar, I should also have been born with a WIG on my head.
Those who tell me about their sources which are incorrect, should also tell me about these “translations” and these “sources.”
Any man who makes such a ridiculous demand on his wife, or wife-to-be, should similarly also be required by his wife to wear: long white stockings, even in the summer; a fur streimel; grow a long beard; wear a black hat and coat constantly, and cover his face when he speaks to his wife.Wigs-“la perruque”- were merely a fashion item in the time of Louis XIV-they are not for the Jewish woman!
2.Remember that the Jewish women are very, very holy. They are much more holy than the men. Look at the exemplary behaviour of the women at Har Sinai.
The women never sinned at the Eigel, and so are greatly elevated. Many of the men, unfortunately, ran after a calf made out of a lump of gold – after they had just been given the Torah, and seen the greatest of all Revelations. The women refused to give their gold for the avodah zarah of the men.
The women were greatly elevated after such a wonderful display of Emunah, and they are regarded very highly in Shamayim.
That is why women are not even required to pray. They can pray at home on their own. Nor do women have to make up a minyan. That is how holy the Jewish women are. Men have to pray 3 times a day to remind them of their Creator.
The men are telling the women to put the hair of a non-Jewish woman who may have eaten things like snakes and sharks and alligators, and has prayed in churches, Buddist temples or Hindu temples : on their own Heads. They had better wake up.
If the men don’t want to wake up to the truth, and the true interpretation of the Halacha, the women will wake them up – whether they like it or not.
3. Many righteous women influenced their husbands for the good at the Chet Haeigel and at the time of Korach.
It was these righteous women who succeeded in bringing their husbands back to their senses. And because of these great women, the lives of their husbands were saved. Those men therefore turned away from the madness of avodah zarah, and the rebellion of Korach against Hashem’s choice of Aharon, as Cohen HaGadol.
4. Look at the Jewish women in history, and remember how holy they are.
(a) Yaakov, who was the greatest of the Avot, came to marry the 2 daughters of Lavan, Rachel and Leah. Lavan was not exactly a tzaddik. Yaakov went to Lavan, of all people, to marry his 2 daughters – not 1 daughter, but his 2 daughters. Nothing could be greater than that.
(b) Rut, who came from Moav, became the ancestor of David Hamelech.
(c ) Batya, the daughter of Paroh, was given eternal life because she rescued Moshe from the river. No one could have been more evil than Paroh.
(d) Devorah, was a Neviah, and also a Judge.
Women, who came from such adverse backgrounds, with wicked fathers – were able to become builders of Am Yisrael. That is how holy the women are, and how much more elevated they are than the men.
This was never the case with men. It never happened the other way round.
Don't tell me it is holy for me to wear a WIG! Hair over my hair. This is ridiculous!
Please Wake Up.
Use the spark of intelligence that Hakadosh Baruch Hu gave to you and blessed you with.
And give your wig back to your husband if you wear one.
5. Remember: Not a single “dayan” or “rabbi” has the slightest bit of interest in correcting the situation for the women. Therefore, the women will have to correct the situation …………………for……………….. themselves.
Whether you wish to accept the correction–which is true–is up to you. Are you going to live by the truth? Are you going to use the spark of intelligence that Hashem gave to you and all women? Or are you going to follow rabbis and dayanim who tell you to wear a wig in a Heat Wave–and you thank them for it as well?
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Even though that a tichel is essentially preferable as far as tznius goes, I think it was the Lubavitcher Rebbe who was concerned that one would be more likely to remove the tichel when outside than a sheitel.
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