A Great-Grandson Of The Degel Machaneh Ephraim

Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
(Picture courtesy of Tusovka.co.il)
A Tamid providing background information on a picture found by A Yid:
ASJ –I’m not sure exactly which Reb Aryeh Yehuda Leib Leiberson is buried there, but I do have this information which will fascinate you. He is a descendant of the Degel; I’ll explain. Reb Moshe Chaim Ephraim of Proskorov’s father was named Reb Aryeh Yehuda Leib, who was ben acher ben from Reb Liber “Hagadol”of Berdichev (that’s how they got the last name “Leiberson), who in turn was a great-grandson (ben acher ben) of the great mekubal, Reb Shimshom Ostropolier HY’D. Reb Liber was highly praised by the Baal Shem Tov. Now for the part you’re most interested in – Reb Moshe Chaim Ephraim of Proskorov’s father, Reb Aryeh Yehuda Leib, was a son-in law of Reb Yakov Yechiel, who was a son of Reb Moshe Chaim Ephraim of Sudlikov–the Degel Machaneh Ephraim. Hope I made your day.
Also, Reb Moshe Chaim Ephraim of Proskorov was also great-grandson of Reb Yosef of Yampola, son of the Zlotchover Magid- Reb Yechiel Mechel.
A Talmid: You most certainly did make my day!! May I ask you what your source of information on him is? I would be interested to learn more.
The book "Hachasidus Midor Lidor" by Yitzchok Alfasi- 2 Volume set. It is available at Heichal Menachem chassidus.com the online store is down now but you can call them @718-854-2211. BTW, I am working on Segula Sforim Part 2 - different things tzadikim said to learn as a segula for specific needs. I'll let you know when it's done.
Wow..I actually have those seforim on my bookshelf. What page and what volume can I find the reference on?
I look forward to part 2 as well. Thank you!
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Great set, but expensive one.
Are you aware of any descendants of this Reb Aryeh Yehuda Leib Leiberson?
I am a direct discendant of Hadegel via his daughter Ethel who married David Horovitz (who became Admor in Sudilkov after Hadegel's death), his son Yaacov Horovitz,- his son Avraham Melech Halevi Rabinoch- his son Natan Nuta Halevu Rabitnovich from berdichev-his son Avraham Dov Halevy Rabinovich. Do you have information about David Horovitz and his son Yaacov? I undertstand that David Horovitz and his wife Ethel (the Hadegel's daugther) has a son Yaacov with whom I'm in direct line and a daughter who married Arieh Leib Gutman who became Admor in Sudilkov after his father in law, David Horovitz passed away. Can you please reply to:abarav@aol.com
Many thanks
Amihud BARAV
Do you know anything about the Sudilkovsky family in the last 100 years?
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