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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
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Here is a usefull piece on Pesach cleaning:
Good link! I liked this one:
16. TOYS
If there is edible chometz, then it should be removed; if it cannot be removed, it should be made inedible. There is no need to scrub them.
Last year someone asked my wife if she had properly washed my older daughter's Ernie doll for Pesach.
Oy gevalt...
I would say that much of what we consider chumros arent necesarily that. for example some wont use anything made outside the house and make everything themselves such as gefilte fish cakes and so on. there are unfortunately problems that can occur in the manufactured stuff and unless you know about a product that it is properly supervised you are worried there is chometz in it. while i do buy for myself prepared products I understand rationally why many wont. also many of these so called chumras are mentioned in Shulchan Oruch. the main thing is that you dont drive people crazy and dont look at the other guy like a shaigetz for not following every chumra.
Your last sentence sums it up nicely!
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