Meditation & Sefiras HaOmer

Breslov Center: Seven Branches of the Menorah (Kabbalistic Meditation of Psalm 67)
Psalm 67 contains forty-nine words, corresponding to the forty-nine days between Passover and Shavuot. Some have the custom to meditate upon the word in the psalm that matches one day of this period every evening after counting the 'Omer, so that one finishes the last verse on the night before Shavu'ot.
It is also brought down in sforim that during the days of sefira one should saying this (Tehilim 67) after the Kohanim say Birchas Kohanim (Yalkut Meam Loez)as a shmira, or while the shliach tzibur is saying Birchas Kohanim one should say it and he will have success it what he does (Taamei Minhagim quoting Shevet Musar in the name of Menoras Hameor)
I just saw that recently that the Meam Loez says you should say it every day of sefira in the form of a menora after Birkas Kohanim and u will be protected a whole year and have hatzlacha in everything
The menoyro should go from right to left, not like on this picture.
There are two minhagim. Rav Kenig of Tzefas once told me that the talmidei ha-Baal Shem Tov used the right-to-left design, as you said. Many Sefardic Mekuballim use the more common left-to-right design pictured here. However, both are "kosher."
Amongst Sfardim - Reb Efraim Panchiri from Gurey Ari brings "right to left" notation. The first written source about it at all is Rabbi Elozer miVermayza zy"o from Baaley Toysofoys - Baal haRokeach. He makes it from right to left.
From talmidey Baal Shem Tov - it is from right to left in the hand written sidur of Reb Avrohom Shimshon miRashkov zy"o.
However surprisingly some chasidic mekubolim made it from left to right - look in Kan Tzipor for example (Stretin). But all early sources make it right to left nevertheless.
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