A Mishnayos Statistics Question

Does anyone know the answer to the question raised by this commenter?:
There are 525 perekim of Mishna.
1) How many Mishnayyos are there altogether in the 525 chapters?
2) Is there a breakdown anywhere of the number of mishnayyos per tractate?
Seder Masechta Perakim Mishnayos
1 Berachos 9 56
2 Peah 8 69
3 Demai 7 53
4 Kilayim 9 77
5 Sheviis 10 89
6 Terumos 11 101
7 Maasros 5 40
8 Maaser Sheni 5 57
9 Chalah 4 38
10 Orlah 3 35
11 Bikurim 4 39 654
12 Shabbos 24 139
13 Eruvin 10 96
14 Pesachim 10 89
15 Shekalim 8 52
17 Yomah 8 61
18 Succah 5 53
19 Beitza 5 42
16 Rosh HaShanah 4 35
21 Taanis 4 34
20 Megillah 4 33
22 Moed Katan 3 24
23 Chagigah 3 23 681
24 Yevamos 16 128
25 Kesubos 13 111
26 Nedarim 11 90
27 Nazir 9 60
28 Sotah 9 67
29 Gittin 9 75
30 Kedushin 4 47 578
31 Baba Kama 10 79
32 Baba Metzia 10 101
33 Baba Basra 10 86
34 Sanhedrin 11 71
35 Makkos 3 34
36 Shavuos 8 62
37 Eduyos 8 74
38 Avoda Zara 5 50
39 Avos 6 108
40 Horiyos 3 20 685
41 Zevachim 14 101
42 Menachos 13 93
43 Chulin 12 74
44 Bechoros 9 73
45 Erachin 9 50
46 Temurah 7 35
47 Krisus 6 43
48 Meilah 6 38
49 Tamid 7 34
50 Midos 5 34
51 Kinim 3 15 590
52 Keilim 30 254
53 Ohalos 18 134
54 Negaim 14 115
55 Parah 12 96
56 Taharos 10 92
57 Mikvaos 10 71
58 Nidah 10 79
59 Machshirin 6 54
60 Zavim 5 32
61 Tevul Yom 4 26
62 Yadayim 4 22
63 Uktzin 3 28 1003
525 4191
THANK YOU! What is your source of information for this?
You're welcome.
I once created a checklist for myself using Kehati as the source.
Do you still have it in an Excell or Word file that you could e-mail me? Also, do you still learn Mishnayos?
Yes, I have it as excel files. I only learn mishnayos if I'm volunteered at a shiva. I'm too busy with daf yomi and learning with my son.
The chesbon is off a little. I just made a siyum in Mishnayos. 4,166 total mishnayos:
There's some functionality built in to keep track of how many are left based on the date you enter for completion
can u renew the link
@tzuriel, can you repost please?
Can you resend? Thank you
Are there not 57 Mishnayot In brachot
how much mishnas in all of seder moed (aleph & beis?)
not sure anyone know?
Although most mss. agree on the division into Chapters, you should know that the subdivision into mishnayos differs from one manuscript to the next. Kehati's numbers come from the standard printed edition from abut 200 years ago in Europe. The Rambam and other rishonim have different divisions.
How many Mishnayot in each Perek, Masechet, Seder and the whole Shas?
What is the relative length of each Seder?
In which Sdarim are the Mishnayot longer or shorter?
You can find the answers on the Mishna Sdura web site,
in this post:
How Many Mishnayot?
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