"Al Pi Hashem Yisu..." - Some Thoughts From My Learning
The Mishnah in Shabbos 15:3 states:
We may make the beds on night of Shabbos for Shabbos, but not on Shabbos for Motzaei Shabbos.
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 85:1 states:
If, Heaven forbid, a fire breaks out on Shabbos, our Sages were concerned that the head of the household and his family who are in the vicinity of the fire, will be occupied with rescuing their belongings. They will be harried and panicky at the prospect of losing their valuables, and, as a result forget that it is Shabbos and they might extinquish the fire. They, therefore, forbade rescuing evem objects that are normally permitted to be handled. They forbid even to move them to a place where it is permitted to carry. Only that which is needed for the day is permitted to be rescued. For instance: If a fire broke out on Erev Shabbos before the Shabbos meal, you may rescue enough food for three Shabbos meals, food for humans, fit for humans. If the fire broke out in the morning, you may rescue food for two meals. If the fire broke out in the afternoon, you may rescue food for one meal…
It appears that the underlying message behind these two teaching can be summed up by Reb Noson of Breslov's quote, "While this hour lasts don't think about the next." This Mishnah stresses to us about the importance of living in the moment, and this Kitzur Shulchan Aruch stresses the importance of having bitachon; knowing that Hashem will provide for us even during the times when we feel nervous and uncertain of what the next day will bring.
Additionaly, Bamidbar 9:18 tells us that the Jewish people travelled only upon Hashem's command and that they encamped upon Hashem's command. They were unaware of the next place Hashem would lead them, however they remained in place as long as the cloud hovered above the Mishkan. Perhaps this pasuk can give us greater perspective when we face situations in our own lives were we feel trapped in a grown-up game of red light - green light. Internalization of the meaning of this pasuk can comfort us by allowing us to know that it is Hashem's will that we are where we are precisely because Hashem wants us to be there. And, we must know that sometimes we must remain there "for two days, a month or a year."
Hashem will tell when it is time to pack up our camp and move on forward.
But, how will we know when this time has arrived in these days without the cloud hovering above the Mishkan? Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught, "To some G-d calls in a whisper, to others with a shout - depending on how close they are to Him."
We may make the beds on night of Shabbos for Shabbos, but not on Shabbos for Motzaei Shabbos.
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 85:1 states:
If, Heaven forbid, a fire breaks out on Shabbos, our Sages were concerned that the head of the household and his family who are in the vicinity of the fire, will be occupied with rescuing their belongings. They will be harried and panicky at the prospect of losing their valuables, and, as a result forget that it is Shabbos and they might extinquish the fire. They, therefore, forbade rescuing evem objects that are normally permitted to be handled. They forbid even to move them to a place where it is permitted to carry. Only that which is needed for the day is permitted to be rescued. For instance: If a fire broke out on Erev Shabbos before the Shabbos meal, you may rescue enough food for three Shabbos meals, food for humans, fit for humans. If the fire broke out in the morning, you may rescue food for two meals. If the fire broke out in the afternoon, you may rescue food for one meal…
It appears that the underlying message behind these two teaching can be summed up by Reb Noson of Breslov's quote, "While this hour lasts don't think about the next." This Mishnah stresses to us about the importance of living in the moment, and this Kitzur Shulchan Aruch stresses the importance of having bitachon; knowing that Hashem will provide for us even during the times when we feel nervous and uncertain of what the next day will bring.
Additionaly, Bamidbar 9:18 tells us that the Jewish people travelled only upon Hashem's command and that they encamped upon Hashem's command. They were unaware of the next place Hashem would lead them, however they remained in place as long as the cloud hovered above the Mishkan. Perhaps this pasuk can give us greater perspective when we face situations in our own lives were we feel trapped in a grown-up game of red light - green light. Internalization of the meaning of this pasuk can comfort us by allowing us to know that it is Hashem's will that we are where we are precisely because Hashem wants us to be there. And, we must know that sometimes we must remain there "for two days, a month or a year."
Hashem will tell when it is time to pack up our camp and move on forward.
But, how will we know when this time has arrived in these days without the cloud hovering above the Mishkan? Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught, "To some G-d calls in a whisper, to others with a shout - depending on how close they are to Him."

(Picture courtesy of Templeinstitute.org)
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