A Sanctuary In My Heart (Bilavavi Mishkan Evneh)

Received via e-mail from A Talmid:
"A Sanctuary In My Heart" is great. I read the part of the online version bilvavi.net (the site is shut down for Shabbos). It is truly an amazing work. It is stuff you can use right out of the box. It tells you how to live every minute serving Hashem. It sounds like it's written by a Breslover. Maybe that's why it's anonymous. I heard Reb Nachman had said if people won't listen to things in his name just say it is from "Talmidei HaBaal Shem Tov" and don't mention him. That's just my own speculation. I was really blown away what I read. I have seen people keep the Hebrew one in their talis bags and learn it everyday after davening. The people that I know who read it (who are "simple" working people) are very passionate about it and try to fulfill what it teaches.
I just ordered a copy on your an Dixie Yid's recommendation. I look forward to its arrival!
I think he isn't a Breslover. Can you find out who he is?
This is the type of sefer that through reading you can't help but become a better Jew. What I find most amazing is the following. We all know that we have to learn Torah, daven and do other religious rituals. This sefer, however, guides one how to acknowledge and serve Hashem in our everyday "mundane" activities. Whether or not one is a scholar, this sefer shows how you can constantly serve Hashem through every action.
He is probably a great person. What confuses me, is that he mixes everything into one cholnt. Ramchal, R' M. M. Shklover, Baal Shem Tov, Ariza"l etc. While it may be very nice, I have no idea whether it is proper to do. At least I want to know who he is himself.
a yid said-
"He is probably a great person. What confuses me, is that he mixes everything into one cholnt. Ramchal, R' M. M. Shklover, Baal Shem Tov, Ariza"l etc. While it may be very nice, I have no idea whether it is proper to do. At least I want to know who he is himself. "
What is wrong with mixing it together. They all are related. I've haerd many great Rabbi's, chasidish among them, mix these together. There is what to learn from all of them. It is all Toras Emes.
In volume five of the Hebrew edition, he says that his derech is based on Rav Dessler, who synthesized the various drachim, and who felt that this is the proper way for our times. By the way, as good as volume one is, volume two develops the ideas much more thoroughly. The first five chapters are up on the site in English, and more should be added as they become available. This will have the added benefit of giving you time to think about the ideas and not rush ahead.
Does anyone know when the other volumes will be published in English and available for sale?
R. Moshe Weinberger has been using it for learning (I believe with a women's class) for about a year. I've heard good things, too.
simple jew -
volume II is being translated and the first chapters are available online (http://www.bilvavi.net ) , hopefully it will be in print soon. I heard rumours about Volume III being translated soon.
let's wait and see!!!
The author is a talmid of Rav Shach zt"l
I went through vol I over Shavuos. Very 'back to basics'instructions. I found it pretty thought provoking and inspiring. As an above commentor mentioned, I could see a lot of Rav Dessler in the sefer (Rav Dessler actually kept a Tanya in his schtender so the ideas about this sefer being a hybrid or hashkafos is most likely on target. In fact, it's exactly what our generation needs).
what an inspirational book for deveykut! BH i am so glad i found it. i am reading the english vol.1. if anybody knows where to find vol 2 pls tell me. i am ordering also the combined 1-2 in english.
what i love about this book is they way he takes you through the process. he is simple, but very meaningful and with depth. i love when he cites tanach. it's like as you read, you can tell there is "building" going on.
may the author of this book be blessed always for helping so many with teshuvah!
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