Guest Posting From A Talmid - Tehillim

One whose soul longs to attach itself to Hashem, with praises, should attach himself to Sefer Tehilim. Our Rabbis Z’L have already said that Dovid Hamelech prayed that his songs should be recited in Batei Kenisios and Batei Midroshos… Blessed is the man that says Tehilim with shira, zimra, simcha and kavonas halev, not like those in our generation, who recite it hurriedly, without kavana or understanding, and err in the reading… Better a little with kavana than a lot without kavana. One should say, daily without fail, Tehilim divided according to the days of the month. (Shlah)
One who regularly recites Tehilim eliminates all types of misfortunes and terrible tragedies from himself, his household, his family and his whole generation, and brings upon them every form of shefa, good blessings and successes. And there is nothing to shield against Mazikim, like the recital of Kaddish after Tehilim. (Pele Yoetz)
The Redak says that Dovid HaMelech davened for every need that Klal Yisroel will require until Moshiach comes, including that the sick be healed, the healthy shouldn’t get sick, that livelihood should be blessed and to nullify all harsh decrees etc. And when Moshiach comes and there will be no more harsh decrees, there will be no need to say Tehilim anymore, as it says in Tehilim (72, 20) כָּלּוּ תְפִלּוֹת דָּוִד בֶּן-יִשָׁי, the prayers of Dovid, son of Yishai, are finished. (Meor Veshemesh, Mispatim)
The word תהלים is from the loshon of the words (Iyov 41, 10) תָּהֶל אוֹר, “flash forth light”, because in תהלים there is only a great light; there is no power for “din” to be mekatreg, there is pure rachamim and it “sweetens” everything. Therefore, the Songs of Dovid our King are called תהלים, through which it’s possible to work wonders, and there is found no Satan and no bad mishap. (Noam Elimelech, Likutei Shoshana)
The Tzemach Tzedek says that Tehilim breaks all the barriers and ascends before the Adon Olamim, and works wonders with chesed and rachamim. (Kovetz Michtavim)
One who recites Tehilim every day is assured that he is a “Ben Olam Habah”. (Tehila L’Dovid)
Through Tehilim, the final redemption is brought closer. (Pardes Menachem, Shir Hashirim)
Baba Sali would say that every Jew is required to complete Sefer Tehilim at least once a month, and that there is special significance and power in the words of Dovid HaMelech and they can work wonders. (Baba Sali, by Rav Eliyahu Alfasi)
As if Dovid HaMelech Himself is reciting the Words
David HaMelech wrote Tehilim with Ruach Hakodesh. (Likutei Mohoran 156) When one recites Tehilim, it is as great as if Dovid HaMelech, himself, is saying it. The Ruach HaKodesh is still in the words of Tehilim. When you recite Tehilim, your own breath arouses the Holy Breath in these words. Therefore, when you recite Tehilim, it is as if Dovid Hamelech himself is reciting it. (Sicos HaRan 98) In the Yehi Rotzon before Tehilim, we ask that our recital of Tehilim should be as if Dovid HaMelech himself is reciting it.
Tehilim Includes the Whole Torah
Dovid HaMelach put together Tehilim in five books, corresponding to the five books of the Torah. We find that the whole Torah is included and hidden in Tehilim. When Dovid HaMelech would suffer, he would look in the letters and words of that tzarah in the Torah and compose a chapter of Tehilim, which was revealed to him through the light of the Torah. And each chapter of Tehilim certainly corresponds to a chapter in the Torah. (Degel Machane Ephraim, Chaye Sarah)
The Yehi Rotzon, after reciting Tehilim, mentions this concept. It says the first book corresponding to Bereishis, the second corresponding to Shemos and so on.
Getting Rid of Mikatrigim
The author of Shaarei Orah writes that the main minhag of reciting Tehilim is order to chase away the mekatrigim before tefila, so that our prayers can go up without any kitrug. (Levush)
Don’t let the daily set time of reciting Tehilim be light in your eyes, because Tehilim cuts up the klipos so they shouldn’t be mekatreg before davening. And through reciting Tehilim, come many salvations to the world. (Yesod Yosef)
Yiras Hashem
The study of Tehilim brings one to Yiras Hashem. (Maharsha)
One who wants merit doing teshuva, should regularly recite Tehilim, because reciting Tehilim is mesugal for teshuva. That is why we see people very involved in reciting Tehilim in Elul and Aseres Yemei Teshuva. There are many obstacles to teshuva. Many people don’t even feel a need to do teshuvah, and they can die without ever doing teshuva, chas v’Shalom. Some want to do teshuva, but don’t know how to go about this, as there are 50 gates to teshuvah, and they don’t know which one to use. Others may find the proper gate of teshuva but find it locked. Through saying Tehilim one can get through all these obstacles. He will desire to do teshuva, will find the proper gate to use and open it if it’s closed. This is alluded to in the first posuk of Shemos וְאֵלֶּ׳ה שְׁמוֹ׳ת בְּנֵ׳י יִשְׂרָאֵ׳ל הַבָּאִי׳ם מִצְרָיְמָ׳ה אֵ׳ת יַעֲקֹ׳ב אִי׳שׁ וּבֵית׳וֹ בָּאוּ The last letters spell תהילים תשובה and the names of the 12 tribes have 49 letters, representing the 49 gates of teshuva. (See inside why not the 50th gate) (Likutei Mohoran II, 73 - I highly recommend seeing this inside.)
Golus Mitzraim includes in it every other golus and Mitzraim is also the loshon of “tzar”. Through Torah and teshuvah we can be redeemed from golus. Now, everyone is capable of doing teshuvah, however, if it is hard for one who is not a talmid chochom to learn Torah. Therefore, Hashem assured Dovid Hamelech that Sefer Tehilim will be considered like learning Negaim and Oholos (which are very difficult subjects). This, that one can do teshuva through Tehilim, is alluded to in the last letters of each word of the first posuk of Shemos, which spell ״ ותשובה ״ תהלים: וְאֵלֶּ׳ה שְׁמוֹ׳ת בְּנ׳ֵי יִשְׂרָאֵ׳ל הַבָּאִי׳ם מִצְרָיְמָ׳ה אֵ׳ת יַעֲק׳ב אִי׳שׁ וּבֵית׳וֹ בָּא׳ו. (Igra D’Kala, Shemos)
When Klal Yisroel recites Tehilim with a broken heart, Hakodosh Boruch Hu forgives all their sins. (Mayim Rabbim)
Ziknei Torah
The Mishna in Kinnim (3:6) says: “Ziknei Am Ha’aretz, as long as they get older, their minds get more confused…but Ziknei Torah are not like that, instead, as long as they get older, their minds become more settled…”
This means that if one is smart and well versed in Shas and Poskim, but he is attached to earthly desires, that is Ziknei Am Ha’aretz, and on this it says there minds get more confused. However, if one is only capable of reciting Tehilim, with truth and sincerity, (he doesn’t have the capabilities to learn more, but is not attached to earthly desires), that is called Ziknei Torah and as they get older their minds get more settled. (Shearis Yisroel, Shaar Hiskasrus 7:2)
Finding Oneself in Tehilim
The main part of reciting Tehilim is to say it on oneself – each person should find himself in each chapter of Tehilim. All the wars that Dovid Hamelech begged Hashem to save him from – we should have in mind our war with the yetzer harah and his army. (Likutei Mohoran 101,125)
Everyone should find themselves inside the words of Tehilim. That’s why it says at the end of Ashrei: וִיבָרֵךְ כָּל-בָּשָׂר, שֵׁם קָדְשׁוֹ--לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד - all flesh will bless You, in any situation we may be in. (Yismach Yisroel, Ekev)
Unless one is very fluent with the translation of the words of Tehilim, I highly recommend the Artscroll Interlinear Tehilim. This is a great way to “find oneself” in Tehilim, and paying attention to the meaning of the words is a whole new and fulfilling experience
If one learns Tehilim with kavana it’s a pidyon, redemption, from all types of disasters and tragedies. Perhaps, that’s why Dovid composed 150 chapters equal to the gematria of פדיון. Through the studying of Tehilim with kavan one can redeem himself from all types of misfortunes. (Magen V’shemesh, quoting Emek Hamelech)
Fulfilling the Whole Torah
The first letters of תּ׳ֻכּוּ לְ׳רַגְלֶךָ י׳ִשָּׂא מִ׳דַּבְּרֹתֶיךָ spell תילם and the next words areתּוֹרָה צִוָּה-לָנוּ מֹשֶׁה מוֹרָשָׁה קְהִלַּת יַעֲקֹב alluding that if one recites Tehilim everyday, it’s as if he fulfilled the whole entire Torah. (Rabbeinu Ephraim, V’zos Habracha) (Note: There are different ways that Tehilim is spelled.)
Meriting being תחת כסא הכבוד
The last letters of וְהִגַּדְתֶּם לְאָבִי אֶ׳ת-כָּ׳ל-כְּבוֹד׳ִי בְּמִצְרַיִ׳ם (Vayigash 45, 13) spell תלים alluding that whoever recites Tehilim daily will merit being תחת כסא הכבוד (Rabbeinu Ephraim, Vayigash)
Segula for Rainfall
Reciting Tehilim is a segula for rainfall; תהלם stands for ל׳מטר ה׳שמים ת׳שתה מ׳ים (Sefer Hamidos, Segula)
Meriting to go to Yerushalayim
One who regularly recites Tehilim will merit going up to Eretz Yisroel and Yerushalayim, which is the city of David HaMelech. (Tehila L’Dovid)
The Whole Sefer Tehilim without Interuption
For any need one might have, one should recite the whole Sefer Tehilim, from beginning to end, without any interruption. Reb Pinchas Koritzer says that one shouldn’t even say the Yehi Rotzon that is often said between the five books of Tehilim. (Pele Yoetz, Igra D’Pirka, Imrei Pinchas)
The Rebbe, Reb Zusia of Anipoli says that this is alluded to by the posuk in Tehilim (106, 2), מִי-יְמַלֵּל גְּבוּרוֹת יְהוָה יַשְׁמִיעַ כָּל-תְּהִלָּתוֹ. The word יְמַלֵּל is used to mean rubbing in order to pull off, as in Beitzah 12b. The posuk can now be read as: “Who pulls off the gevuros, the harsh judgements, of Hashem? He who makes all His praise heard”. (By reciting the whole Sefer Tehilim)
Reb Moshe of Savran says that “without interruption” doesn’t just mean speaking out, but even distracting oneself so that his heart and mouth are not in sync.
It is a segula for parnasa to recite any three chapters of Tehilim, specifically, after davening. (Reb Avrohom Moshe of Raspasha-Pshadvars)
Weapon against the Yetzer Hora
Reciting Sefer Tehilim three times in one day is like sword and spear against the yetzer hara. (Reb Menachem Mendel of Rimanov)
Like a Fast from Shabbos to Shabbos
There is a kabbala from the Rebbe, Reb Elimelech of Lizensk, that one who recites Sefer Tehilim three times in one day is considered as if he fasted from Shabbos to Shabbos.
Early Morning Tehilim
The last letters of צִיצִ׳ת עַ׳ל-כַּנְפֵ׳י בִגְדֵיהֶ׳ם spell תלים, because it is a choice mitzvah, to wrap oneself in tzitzis, early, and learn Tehilim. (Rabbein Ephraim, Vayishlach)
Tikun HaKlali
(I cannot do this subject justice here, but a post on Tehilim would not be complete without some mention of Tikun HaKlali.)
For mikra layla, one should say 10 chapters of Tehilim on the day this happens, because the recital of Tehilim has the power to release the emission from the klipa that took it, because תהלים is the gematria of לילי׳ת with the 5 letters of her name. She is the one that controls the wasted seed. One should have in mind that תהלים is the gematria of 485, which is equal to the two names, א־ל אלקים, spelled out - אלף למד אלף למד הי יוד מם. Through these two names, the wasted drops are released from the klipas. The specific ten chapters to be said are: 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150. (After an emission, preferably one should immerse in the mikva first. If not he should say it anyway.) After one says the Tikun HaKlali, he shouldn’t fear anymore, because the sin has certainly been rectified through this, and through this tikun of this sin Moshiach will come to gather the exiles. (Likutei Mohoran 205, II 92)
Reb Nachman said that of all his Torah he is sure but of this one he is even more certain. (Sichos HaRan 141)
Reb Nachman promised in front of two witnesses that after his passing, whoever will come to his grave, give tzedaka for his neshama and recite Tikun HaKlali, he will pull him out of Gehinom by his peyos, but from now on he has to accept upon himself not to go back to his former ways, chas v’Shalom. (Chaye Mohoran 41)
It is brought down many places to finish the whole Sefer Tehilim at least 2 times before Rosh Hashana, since the gematria of כפר, forgive, is 300, and there are 150 chapters of Tehilim, and to finish it a third time before Yom Kippur.
There is a minhag that the Baal HaTanya received from the Magid of Mezritch, who received it from the Baal Shem Tov, who received it from his teacher, that from 1 Elul one should say 3 chapters of Tehilim everyday (1 Elul-chapters 1-3, 2 Elul chapters 4-6, etc.) On Yom Kippur one should say 115-123 before Kol Nidrei, 124-132 before going to sleep, 133-141 after Mussaf and 142-150 after Neilah. (Tehilim Tehilah L’Dovid)
Chapter 119
There are eight pesukim for each letter in Chapter 119. There is a minhag to recite the letters making up the name of a person when praying at a grave. You would take the name of the deceased and read each section of Chapter 119 corresponding to the letters of the name than the letters for בן/בת, then the father’s name and then the letters of נשמה after the name.
For a sick person the same thing is done except the mothers name is used and after the name the words קרע שטן are added (instead of נשמה).
Sholom Bayis
A segula for sholom bayis is to spell out the words שלום הבית with chapter 119, everyday. (Segulas Yisroel)
Keeping Out of Gehinom
In Tehilim 25 each posuk starts with a different letter of the aleph beis, except the letters בו׳ק, which are the gematria of גיהנום. Therefore reciting chapter 25 every day is a segula not to go to Gehinom. (Found in many editions of Tehilim)
Woman in Labor
Arizal says that Chapter 20 is good to say for mercy on a woman in labor. It has 9 pesukim corresponding to 9 months of labor and 70 words corresponding to the 70 pains of childbirth. (Divrei Torah 3:30) The Chida says that one should say it 12 times and then say a special Yehi Rotzon. (Avodas HaKodesh)
Chapter 100 is a segula for a woman in difficult labor. The first letters of the opening words, מ׳ִזְמוֹר לְ׳תוֹדָה, מ״ל, are equal to 70, referring to the 70 screams of a woman before giving birth. There are also 43 words referring to the klipa of גם, which also equals 43, from the posuk (Malachim1 3:25) וְזֹאת אֹמֶרֶת גַּם-לִי גַם-לָךְ לֹא יִהְיֶה-גְּזֹרוּ. (Likutei Mohoran II 2, end)
Sweeten Harsh Judgments
Chapters 39 and 77 sweeten harsh judgments. (Sefer Hamidos, Hamtokas Din 37, 42)
Chapter 51 is established on teshuva. (Noam Eliezer)
Harsh Decrees
For harsh decrees, that the nations decree on Yisroel, recite chapter 62. (Sefer Hamidos, Hamtokas Din, 53)
To get rid of haters recite chapter 71. (Refuah V’Chaim)
For Barren Woman
A segula for a barren woman to bear children is to recite chapter 102. (Likutei Mamorim)
In Asara Mamoros it says that reciting Chapter 121 at the end of all the tefilos, before stepping back, is a segula to find a good shidduch. (Igra D'Pirka 63) The source for saying Tehilim 121 is a Medrash that says Yaakov Avinu said this, praying to find his match. The first posuk says "From where will my helper (meaning wife) come?" And the next posuk says "My help will come from Hashem".
One who is looking for a shidduch should say the following chapters of Tehilim: 32, 38, 70, 71, 124. (Segulas Yisroel)
Rescue from Enemies
Take salt in your hand and recite chapter 125 seven times. Then, throw the salt in front of your enemies or between them, and you’ll be saved. (Refuos V’Segulos from Levushei Srad)
The 15 chapters of Shir Hamalos (120-134) are a segula to eliminate sleep. (Sefer Hamidos, Sheina 3)
Chapters 1-4 recited before going to sleep, are a segula to prevent mikra layla. (Shlah)
For victory recite chapter 12. (Sefer Hamidos, Meriva 37)
Chapter 67
Many seforim bring down segulas attributed to reciting chapter 67 in the form of a menorah. Some have it printed on parchment.
For Release of Prisoners
Many times in recent years Rabbonim have asked that Chapter 142 be recited for the release of prisoners, since this is what Dovid HaMelech said when he was trapped in the cave.
Corresponding to Age
The Baal HaTanya received from his Rebbe, who received from the Baal Shem Tov, who received from his teacher a minhag that one should recite the chapter of Tehilim corresponding to one’s next Birthday. So, for example, if a boy turns 13, he would recite Chapter 14 everyday, and on every Rosh Chodesh, study that chapter with Rashi. (Tehilim Tehilah L’Dovid)
A Talmid's blog Zchus Avos Yogen Aleinu can be seen here.
One who regularly recites Tehilim eliminates all types of misfortunes and terrible tragedies from himself, his household, his family and his whole generation, and brings upon them every form of shefa, good blessings and successes. And there is nothing to shield against Mazikim, like the recital of Kaddish after Tehilim. (Pele Yoetz)
The Redak says that Dovid HaMelech davened for every need that Klal Yisroel will require until Moshiach comes, including that the sick be healed, the healthy shouldn’t get sick, that livelihood should be blessed and to nullify all harsh decrees etc. And when Moshiach comes and there will be no more harsh decrees, there will be no need to say Tehilim anymore, as it says in Tehilim (72, 20) כָּלּוּ תְפִלּוֹת דָּוִד בֶּן-יִשָׁי, the prayers of Dovid, son of Yishai, are finished. (Meor Veshemesh, Mispatim)
The word תהלים is from the loshon of the words (Iyov 41, 10) תָּהֶל אוֹר, “flash forth light”, because in תהלים there is only a great light; there is no power for “din” to be mekatreg, there is pure rachamim and it “sweetens” everything. Therefore, the Songs of Dovid our King are called תהלים, through which it’s possible to work wonders, and there is found no Satan and no bad mishap. (Noam Elimelech, Likutei Shoshana)
The Tzemach Tzedek says that Tehilim breaks all the barriers and ascends before the Adon Olamim, and works wonders with chesed and rachamim. (Kovetz Michtavim)
One who recites Tehilim every day is assured that he is a “Ben Olam Habah”. (Tehila L’Dovid)
Through Tehilim, the final redemption is brought closer. (Pardes Menachem, Shir Hashirim)
Baba Sali would say that every Jew is required to complete Sefer Tehilim at least once a month, and that there is special significance and power in the words of Dovid HaMelech and they can work wonders. (Baba Sali, by Rav Eliyahu Alfasi)
As if Dovid HaMelech Himself is reciting the Words
David HaMelech wrote Tehilim with Ruach Hakodesh. (Likutei Mohoran 156) When one recites Tehilim, it is as great as if Dovid HaMelech, himself, is saying it. The Ruach HaKodesh is still in the words of Tehilim. When you recite Tehilim, your own breath arouses the Holy Breath in these words. Therefore, when you recite Tehilim, it is as if Dovid Hamelech himself is reciting it. (Sicos HaRan 98) In the Yehi Rotzon before Tehilim, we ask that our recital of Tehilim should be as if Dovid HaMelech himself is reciting it.
Tehilim Includes the Whole Torah
Dovid HaMelach put together Tehilim in five books, corresponding to the five books of the Torah. We find that the whole Torah is included and hidden in Tehilim. When Dovid HaMelech would suffer, he would look in the letters and words of that tzarah in the Torah and compose a chapter of Tehilim, which was revealed to him through the light of the Torah. And each chapter of Tehilim certainly corresponds to a chapter in the Torah. (Degel Machane Ephraim, Chaye Sarah)
The Yehi Rotzon, after reciting Tehilim, mentions this concept. It says the first book corresponding to Bereishis, the second corresponding to Shemos and so on.
Getting Rid of Mikatrigim
The author of Shaarei Orah writes that the main minhag of reciting Tehilim is order to chase away the mekatrigim before tefila, so that our prayers can go up without any kitrug. (Levush)
Don’t let the daily set time of reciting Tehilim be light in your eyes, because Tehilim cuts up the klipos so they shouldn’t be mekatreg before davening. And through reciting Tehilim, come many salvations to the world. (Yesod Yosef)
Yiras Hashem
The study of Tehilim brings one to Yiras Hashem. (Maharsha)
One who wants merit doing teshuva, should regularly recite Tehilim, because reciting Tehilim is mesugal for teshuva. That is why we see people very involved in reciting Tehilim in Elul and Aseres Yemei Teshuva. There are many obstacles to teshuva. Many people don’t even feel a need to do teshuvah, and they can die without ever doing teshuva, chas v’Shalom. Some want to do teshuva, but don’t know how to go about this, as there are 50 gates to teshuvah, and they don’t know which one to use. Others may find the proper gate of teshuva but find it locked. Through saying Tehilim one can get through all these obstacles. He will desire to do teshuva, will find the proper gate to use and open it if it’s closed. This is alluded to in the first posuk of Shemos וְאֵלֶּ׳ה שְׁמוֹ׳ת בְּנֵ׳י יִשְׂרָאֵ׳ל הַבָּאִי׳ם מִצְרָיְמָ׳ה אֵ׳ת יַעֲקֹ׳ב אִי׳שׁ וּבֵית׳וֹ בָּאוּ The last letters spell תהילים תשובה and the names of the 12 tribes have 49 letters, representing the 49 gates of teshuva. (See inside why not the 50th gate) (Likutei Mohoran II, 73 - I highly recommend seeing this inside.)
Golus Mitzraim includes in it every other golus and Mitzraim is also the loshon of “tzar”. Through Torah and teshuvah we can be redeemed from golus. Now, everyone is capable of doing teshuvah, however, if it is hard for one who is not a talmid chochom to learn Torah. Therefore, Hashem assured Dovid Hamelech that Sefer Tehilim will be considered like learning Negaim and Oholos (which are very difficult subjects). This, that one can do teshuva through Tehilim, is alluded to in the last letters of each word of the first posuk of Shemos, which spell ״ ותשובה ״ תהלים: וְאֵלֶּ׳ה שְׁמוֹ׳ת בְּנ׳ֵי יִשְׂרָאֵ׳ל הַבָּאִי׳ם מִצְרָיְמָ׳ה אֵ׳ת יַעֲק׳ב אִי׳שׁ וּבֵית׳וֹ בָּא׳ו. (Igra D’Kala, Shemos)
When Klal Yisroel recites Tehilim with a broken heart, Hakodosh Boruch Hu forgives all their sins. (Mayim Rabbim)
Ziknei Torah
The Mishna in Kinnim (3:6) says: “Ziknei Am Ha’aretz, as long as they get older, their minds get more confused…but Ziknei Torah are not like that, instead, as long as they get older, their minds become more settled…”
This means that if one is smart and well versed in Shas and Poskim, but he is attached to earthly desires, that is Ziknei Am Ha’aretz, and on this it says there minds get more confused. However, if one is only capable of reciting Tehilim, with truth and sincerity, (he doesn’t have the capabilities to learn more, but is not attached to earthly desires), that is called Ziknei Torah and as they get older their minds get more settled. (Shearis Yisroel, Shaar Hiskasrus 7:2)
Finding Oneself in Tehilim
The main part of reciting Tehilim is to say it on oneself – each person should find himself in each chapter of Tehilim. All the wars that Dovid Hamelech begged Hashem to save him from – we should have in mind our war with the yetzer harah and his army. (Likutei Mohoran 101,125)
Everyone should find themselves inside the words of Tehilim. That’s why it says at the end of Ashrei: וִיבָרֵךְ כָּל-בָּשָׂר, שֵׁם קָדְשׁוֹ--לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד - all flesh will bless You, in any situation we may be in. (Yismach Yisroel, Ekev)
Unless one is very fluent with the translation of the words of Tehilim, I highly recommend the Artscroll Interlinear Tehilim. This is a great way to “find oneself” in Tehilim, and paying attention to the meaning of the words is a whole new and fulfilling experience
If one learns Tehilim with kavana it’s a pidyon, redemption, from all types of disasters and tragedies. Perhaps, that’s why Dovid composed 150 chapters equal to the gematria of פדיון. Through the studying of Tehilim with kavan one can redeem himself from all types of misfortunes. (Magen V’shemesh, quoting Emek Hamelech)
Fulfilling the Whole Torah
The first letters of תּ׳ֻכּוּ לְ׳רַגְלֶךָ י׳ִשָּׂא מִ׳דַּבְּרֹתֶיךָ spell תילם and the next words areתּוֹרָה צִוָּה-לָנוּ מֹשֶׁה מוֹרָשָׁה קְהִלַּת יַעֲקֹב alluding that if one recites Tehilim everyday, it’s as if he fulfilled the whole entire Torah. (Rabbeinu Ephraim, V’zos Habracha) (Note: There are different ways that Tehilim is spelled.)
Meriting being תחת כסא הכבוד
The last letters of וְהִגַּדְתֶּם לְאָבִי אֶ׳ת-כָּ׳ל-כְּבוֹד׳ִי בְּמִצְרַיִ׳ם (Vayigash 45, 13) spell תלים alluding that whoever recites Tehilim daily will merit being תחת כסא הכבוד (Rabbeinu Ephraim, Vayigash)
Segula for Rainfall
Reciting Tehilim is a segula for rainfall; תהלם stands for ל׳מטר ה׳שמים ת׳שתה מ׳ים (Sefer Hamidos, Segula)
Meriting to go to Yerushalayim
One who regularly recites Tehilim will merit going up to Eretz Yisroel and Yerushalayim, which is the city of David HaMelech. (Tehila L’Dovid)
The Whole Sefer Tehilim without Interuption
For any need one might have, one should recite the whole Sefer Tehilim, from beginning to end, without any interruption. Reb Pinchas Koritzer says that one shouldn’t even say the Yehi Rotzon that is often said between the five books of Tehilim. (Pele Yoetz, Igra D’Pirka, Imrei Pinchas)
The Rebbe, Reb Zusia of Anipoli says that this is alluded to by the posuk in Tehilim (106, 2), מִי-יְמַלֵּל גְּבוּרוֹת יְהוָה יַשְׁמִיעַ כָּל-תְּהִלָּתוֹ. The word יְמַלֵּל is used to mean rubbing in order to pull off, as in Beitzah 12b. The posuk can now be read as: “Who pulls off the gevuros, the harsh judgements, of Hashem? He who makes all His praise heard”. (By reciting the whole Sefer Tehilim)
Reb Moshe of Savran says that “without interruption” doesn’t just mean speaking out, but even distracting oneself so that his heart and mouth are not in sync.
It is a segula for parnasa to recite any three chapters of Tehilim, specifically, after davening. (Reb Avrohom Moshe of Raspasha-Pshadvars)
Weapon against the Yetzer Hora
Reciting Sefer Tehilim three times in one day is like sword and spear against the yetzer hara. (Reb Menachem Mendel of Rimanov)
Like a Fast from Shabbos to Shabbos
There is a kabbala from the Rebbe, Reb Elimelech of Lizensk, that one who recites Sefer Tehilim three times in one day is considered as if he fasted from Shabbos to Shabbos.
Early Morning Tehilim
The last letters of צִיצִ׳ת עַ׳ל-כַּנְפֵ׳י בִגְדֵיהֶ׳ם spell תלים, because it is a choice mitzvah, to wrap oneself in tzitzis, early, and learn Tehilim. (Rabbein Ephraim, Vayishlach)
Tikun HaKlali
(I cannot do this subject justice here, but a post on Tehilim would not be complete without some mention of Tikun HaKlali.)
For mikra layla, one should say 10 chapters of Tehilim on the day this happens, because the recital of Tehilim has the power to release the emission from the klipa that took it, because תהלים is the gematria of לילי׳ת with the 5 letters of her name. She is the one that controls the wasted seed. One should have in mind that תהלים is the gematria of 485, which is equal to the two names, א־ל אלקים, spelled out - אלף למד אלף למד הי יוד מם. Through these two names, the wasted drops are released from the klipas. The specific ten chapters to be said are: 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150. (After an emission, preferably one should immerse in the mikva first. If not he should say it anyway.) After one says the Tikun HaKlali, he shouldn’t fear anymore, because the sin has certainly been rectified through this, and through this tikun of this sin Moshiach will come to gather the exiles. (Likutei Mohoran 205, II 92)
Reb Nachman said that of all his Torah he is sure but of this one he is even more certain. (Sichos HaRan 141)
Reb Nachman promised in front of two witnesses that after his passing, whoever will come to his grave, give tzedaka for his neshama and recite Tikun HaKlali, he will pull him out of Gehinom by his peyos, but from now on he has to accept upon himself not to go back to his former ways, chas v’Shalom. (Chaye Mohoran 41)
It is brought down many places to finish the whole Sefer Tehilim at least 2 times before Rosh Hashana, since the gematria of כפר, forgive, is 300, and there are 150 chapters of Tehilim, and to finish it a third time before Yom Kippur.
There is a minhag that the Baal HaTanya received from the Magid of Mezritch, who received it from the Baal Shem Tov, who received it from his teacher, that from 1 Elul one should say 3 chapters of Tehilim everyday (1 Elul-chapters 1-3, 2 Elul chapters 4-6, etc.) On Yom Kippur one should say 115-123 before Kol Nidrei, 124-132 before going to sleep, 133-141 after Mussaf and 142-150 after Neilah. (Tehilim Tehilah L’Dovid)
Chapter 119
There are eight pesukim for each letter in Chapter 119. There is a minhag to recite the letters making up the name of a person when praying at a grave. You would take the name of the deceased and read each section of Chapter 119 corresponding to the letters of the name than the letters for בן/בת, then the father’s name and then the letters of נשמה after the name.
For a sick person the same thing is done except the mothers name is used and after the name the words קרע שטן are added (instead of נשמה).
Sholom Bayis
A segula for sholom bayis is to spell out the words שלום הבית with chapter 119, everyday. (Segulas Yisroel)
Keeping Out of Gehinom
In Tehilim 25 each posuk starts with a different letter of the aleph beis, except the letters בו׳ק, which are the gematria of גיהנום. Therefore reciting chapter 25 every day is a segula not to go to Gehinom. (Found in many editions of Tehilim)
Woman in Labor
Arizal says that Chapter 20 is good to say for mercy on a woman in labor. It has 9 pesukim corresponding to 9 months of labor and 70 words corresponding to the 70 pains of childbirth. (Divrei Torah 3:30) The Chida says that one should say it 12 times and then say a special Yehi Rotzon. (Avodas HaKodesh)
Chapter 100 is a segula for a woman in difficult labor. The first letters of the opening words, מ׳ִזְמוֹר לְ׳תוֹדָה, מ״ל, are equal to 70, referring to the 70 screams of a woman before giving birth. There are also 43 words referring to the klipa of גם, which also equals 43, from the posuk (Malachim1 3:25) וְזֹאת אֹמֶרֶת גַּם-לִי גַם-לָךְ לֹא יִהְיֶה-גְּזֹרוּ. (Likutei Mohoran II 2, end)
Sweeten Harsh Judgments
Chapters 39 and 77 sweeten harsh judgments. (Sefer Hamidos, Hamtokas Din 37, 42)
Chapter 51 is established on teshuva. (Noam Eliezer)
Harsh Decrees
For harsh decrees, that the nations decree on Yisroel, recite chapter 62. (Sefer Hamidos, Hamtokas Din, 53)
To get rid of haters recite chapter 71. (Refuah V’Chaim)
For Barren Woman
A segula for a barren woman to bear children is to recite chapter 102. (Likutei Mamorim)
In Asara Mamoros it says that reciting Chapter 121 at the end of all the tefilos, before stepping back, is a segula to find a good shidduch. (Igra D'Pirka 63) The source for saying Tehilim 121 is a Medrash that says Yaakov Avinu said this, praying to find his match. The first posuk says "From where will my helper (meaning wife) come?" And the next posuk says "My help will come from Hashem".
One who is looking for a shidduch should say the following chapters of Tehilim: 32, 38, 70, 71, 124. (Segulas Yisroel)
Rescue from Enemies
Take salt in your hand and recite chapter 125 seven times. Then, throw the salt in front of your enemies or between them, and you’ll be saved. (Refuos V’Segulos from Levushei Srad)
The 15 chapters of Shir Hamalos (120-134) are a segula to eliminate sleep. (Sefer Hamidos, Sheina 3)
Chapters 1-4 recited before going to sleep, are a segula to prevent mikra layla. (Shlah)
For victory recite chapter 12. (Sefer Hamidos, Meriva 37)
Chapter 67
Many seforim bring down segulas attributed to reciting chapter 67 in the form of a menorah. Some have it printed on parchment.
For Release of Prisoners
Many times in recent years Rabbonim have asked that Chapter 142 be recited for the release of prisoners, since this is what Dovid HaMelech said when he was trapped in the cave.
Corresponding to Age
The Baal HaTanya received from his Rebbe, who received from the Baal Shem Tov, who received from his teacher a minhag that one should recite the chapter of Tehilim corresponding to one’s next Birthday. So, for example, if a boy turns 13, he would recite Chapter 14 everyday, and on every Rosh Chodesh, study that chapter with Rashi. (Tehilim Tehilah L’Dovid)
A Talmid's blog Zchus Avos Yogen Aleinu can be seen here.
I just saw last night that the Pele Yoetz (Ch. "Zohar")says that if one reads Tehilim or Zohar, even if he doesn't understand anything that he's reading, it is considered important, accepted and desired before Hashem.
ASJ: Sorry for offtopic. Do you know where in Degel (pdf version) is brought the famous moshul about the king that made illusory walls and fortifications etc. inviting anyone to come?
I new edition it is somewhere for Sukkes I as I remember. But in PDF I didn't notice it.
this is excellent!!
this kind of thing is a chizuk to say tehilim. thank you!!
The mashal from the Baal Shem Tov in the degel about the king and the walls can be found in the haftorah for Ki Savo.
it is true about tehilim. i have seen with my own eyes a person on several occasions in the hospital for tests recite the entire tehilim once or twice in the night and go home the next day. i have seen a man in tough shape daven constantly and go home o.k.
this may not sound good: but if you were in a yeshiva in a holy conversation would you interrupt the flow with "sorry this is off topic"? this is an amazing piece about can contact asj at his email.
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