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I don't know, but I'd like to...
Hint: He is someone famous.
Mr. Menachem Begin
that's Jabotinsky on the wall.
Hirshel: Indeed, it is Menachem Begin in the first picture underneath a picture of Vladimir Jabotinsky.
However, in the second picture who is the person in the black beret?
Boog Powell?
Given the fact that Boog Powell was born on August 17, 1941, the guy in the black beret would then have to be seven years old.
Of course I got D's in math, so you might be on to something...
Yes, of course I knew Begin, but the beret is someone else.
Famous? I doubt if he's a jblogger.
Could the guy with the wavy hair in the Begin picture be Chaim Korfu? Or would Chaim be too young? Don't know. He looked pretty old when I last saw him. Old enough to have been old enough in 1941? He looks familiar, definitely an Israeli politician.
Batya: You are 100% correct that it is NOT a blogger. His name is extremely well known.
I am not sure whether or not it is Chaim Korfu pictured in the top picture.
Shimon Peres
Nope. He is one of the worlds most famous Transylvanians.
If it's Paris 1948 and he's famous, then I'd go for Eli Weisel
CORRECT! Elie Wiesel worked for the Irgun's newspaper "Zion in Kampf" translating articles from Hebrew into Yiddish.
Mazel tov YMedad!
-Dixie Yid
These pictures were taken in the Beitar office in Paris. From this office they organized getting the weapons for the Altalena.
He also supported the Lechi and his book, The Dawn, is a wonderful fictionalized interpretative treatment of the two sergeants incident. How'd you get the pics?
The woman standing behind Menachem Begin in the first picture and seated at the chair in the second picture is a distant cousin.
During a visit to Israel in the 1990's she gave me thes pictures (along with the yellow Star of David she was forced to wear during the war). She is married to an Irgun veteran who left Israel in 1948 and settled in Paris because of the discrimination he faced because of his past in the Irgun. In 1977 when Begin became prime minister, they returned to Israel and have lived there ever since.
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