Why Are They There?

While other people may question why they should even bother dealing with the people around them, a Chabad shaliach understands with certainty that the Lubavitcher Rebbe sent him to that very location specifically to deal with those people.
Yet, why should it be that it is only the Chabad shaliach who views the world with this unique perspective? Didn't Hashem send each and every one of us to the locations where we now reside and surround us with the people He wants us to interact with?
How often do we stop, look around us, and consider that every single person we see is there because Hashem wants these people to be in our lives? There may be times when we may not care to deal with some of them, yet how can we be so dismissive of them? If there was absolutely no reason for us to come into contact with them during the course of our day, why are they there to begin with?
Yet, why should it be that it is only the Chabad shaliach who views the world with this unique perspective? Didn't Hashem send each and every one of us to the locations where we now reside and surround us with the people He wants us to interact with?
How often do we stop, look around us, and consider that every single person we see is there because Hashem wants these people to be in our lives? There may be times when we may not care to deal with some of them, yet how can we be so dismissive of them? If there was absolutely no reason for us to come into contact with them during the course of our day, why are they there to begin with?
There's a reason why the Rebbe said that every Jew is a shliach . . .
Great post. People I know often say regarding kiruv, "leave it to Chabad, NCSY, or Aish HaTorah."
This post of your should be read by everyone, unless you live in a cave (even Shimon Bar Yochi and his son eventually came out). Nice!
"Yet, why should it be that it is only the Chabad shaliach who views the world with this unique perspective?"
It's not only the Chabad shaliach, and it's not a unique perspective. Many other Jews share this.
i guess the article was more for jews, however as a believing gentile/noahide, its not that easy for me. Many times i have asked myself and my rabbis on the net , 'why am i here.' They have given me good reasons, but the question persists.
maybe some people are in our lives specifically so we can not pay any attention to them? if a person is doing bad, or trying to disturb our doing good maybe its proper we ignore them, and avoid them.
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