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Friday, November 21, 2008
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The Sudlikover Rebbe shakes the hands of his chassidim?
The Sudilkover Rebbe hugs and kisses his chassidim when necessary! He is a man full of Ahavas Yisroel and gives each man and teaches each and every one according to his level aned need.
That's not what I meant. I am coming from Lubavitch where chassidim never dared to touch the Rebbe - the hiskashrus between chossid and rebbe was to remain on a purely ruchnius level and not "brought down" to olam hagashmi.
The Rebbe famously shook the hands of all his (at the time) future chasidim, however.
Just contrasting approaches, that's all. Not ch'v a chisaron on the Sudlikover Rebbe.
Chassidim not wanting to touch the Rebbe isn't the same as the Rebbe not touching his Chassidim. I am sure that this young man didn't just run up to the the Sudilkover Rebbe shlita and begin poking at him. In fact that would be rude even if he (the Rebbe) were just a simple shoemaker!
How does shaking hands, especially if initiated by the Rebbe, which seems to be case here, bring the relationship "down" in any way? This is an honest question, because I don't see how this would happen.
outside of Chabad shaking hands and such is perfectly normal. sorry if I was too harsh, menashe.
Something in this thread reminds me of Michal being critical of the way Dovid HaMelech danced when the ark was brought into the city. She thought that it was unfitting for him to dancing as part of the procession. He on the other hand said that he would act even more "unfittingly" in his service of Hashem.
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