A Simple Jew
אַשְׂכִּילָה בְּדֶרֶךְ תָּמִים
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
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It’s funny that you ask this today; I recently noticed that while I used to think like that all the time, it seems that perspective is one that fades away over time if I don't make any effort to keep it in the forefront of my mind…
Definitely yes, when it occurs I think to myself: "Hashem Wants me to read another pasuk, or another perek tehilim, or to learn one more mishna...
It is often in retrospect that we can be giving insight into WHERE we need to be. Great posting.
Good post for this week. I was recently in an accident and thought, how many times has Hashem saved me from this. Now, I reflect on the accident and think, what am I to learn from this?
thats funny I got stuck davening on the sidewalk this morning because I forgot my key to my restaurant. It was better davening than I'd done in a while
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