Please Help Breslov Research Institute Continue Their Work

We are on a worldwide search for just 1,000 people who will donate to us just $100!
Everyone is aware of the economic meltdown that took place around the world this year. Many who felt secure with their holdings no longer feel secure. Many who felt their jobs and income were considered stable no longer feel that stability. “God makes [the] poor and [the] rich; He lowers people and raises them up” (I Samuel 2:7). Nearly everyone we know has been some sort of recipient of the above verse, including us here at the Institute. God is sending His message to all of us.
For over 30 years, Breslov Research Institute has been producing high-quality publications of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings that speak to the soul and encourage people to recognize their self-worth. The Rebbe's teachings arouse from slumber and depression; they show us how to bring joy into our lives and heighten our awareness of God by forging our own personal connection to our Creator. “There is no despair!” cried the Rebbe. God waits patiently for each person to search for Him, even from the most difficult situation.
But this year has taken its toll on us, too. Between now and Rosh HaShanah (3 months), we are set to experience a shortfall of some $100,000(!), drastically down from last year’s income.
We ask you to do your best to help us cover this deficit. Think of it. If just 1,000 readers from around the world would send in just $100, we would reach our goal. This would enable us to continue our work uninterrupted, and not have to shelve important projects due to budget cuts. If just 1,000 readers send in just $100, it would enable us to keep up with those projects that are nearing completion.
These include: the Breslov Chumash, the Breslov Pirkey Avot, Likutey Moharan Volume 13, the Kitzur (Abridged) Likutey Moharan (2 volumes with facing Hebrew and English), More Blessed to Give: Rebbe Nachman on Charity, and Knights of the Rosh HaShanah Table – stories of the valiant “knights” who have faced obstacles and turbulence in their lives, yet overcame their difficulties to travel to Rebbe Nachman in Uman for Rosh HaShanah. We also have several books nearing completion in each of the following languages: Hebrew, Spanish and Russian.
Maybe $100 is a lot of money to ask for. But when we consider the mitzvah of tithing our income and then giving it to charity, it isn’t a large request at all. Consider: Tithes are just 10% of one’s income, and presumably one’s income is more than $1,000 per annum. Then the request for $100 is not a large sum after all! It might not be easy, but it’s not that difficult, either. Especially when the Talmud promises, “One who shears off money for charity will see his income increase!” (Gittin 7a).
We appeal to you, faithful followers of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings and readers who thirst, like us, to see more and better publications come into being. Please open your hearts and contribute life-sustaining money to continue our work! Of course, if you can send more, we appreciate it even more! And if you cannot afford $100, please contribute what you can. But please, everyone, help us out in these trying times. You know that we rarely make appeals, either by direct mail or internet. But in these financially difficult moments, we have also become desperate enough to feel the humiliation of asking for extra help.
May God bless you all with the Talmudic promise of increased wealth, together with good health, emotional stability, financial security and, most importantly, spiritual growth.
With deepest thanks,
Chaim Kramer
Executive Director
Breslov Research Institute
You can contribute US currency on line on our website.
For checks, please mail to:
Breslov Research Institute
POB 5370, Jerusalem, Israel
(for all Israel & non North American addresses.)
Or to:
Breslov Research Institute
POB 587
Monsey, NY 10952
Canadian Friends of Chasidei Breslov
c/o Levinson, 84 Regina Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1V2, CANADA
Everyone is aware of the economic meltdown that took place around the world this year. Many who felt secure with their holdings no longer feel secure. Many who felt their jobs and income were considered stable no longer feel that stability. “God makes [the] poor and [the] rich; He lowers people and raises them up” (I Samuel 2:7). Nearly everyone we know has been some sort of recipient of the above verse, including us here at the Institute. God is sending His message to all of us.
For over 30 years, Breslov Research Institute has been producing high-quality publications of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings that speak to the soul and encourage people to recognize their self-worth. The Rebbe's teachings arouse from slumber and depression; they show us how to bring joy into our lives and heighten our awareness of God by forging our own personal connection to our Creator. “There is no despair!” cried the Rebbe. God waits patiently for each person to search for Him, even from the most difficult situation.
But this year has taken its toll on us, too. Between now and Rosh HaShanah (3 months), we are set to experience a shortfall of some $100,000(!), drastically down from last year’s income.
We ask you to do your best to help us cover this deficit. Think of it. If just 1,000 readers from around the world would send in just $100, we would reach our goal. This would enable us to continue our work uninterrupted, and not have to shelve important projects due to budget cuts. If just 1,000 readers send in just $100, it would enable us to keep up with those projects that are nearing completion.
These include: the Breslov Chumash, the Breslov Pirkey Avot, Likutey Moharan Volume 13, the Kitzur (Abridged) Likutey Moharan (2 volumes with facing Hebrew and English), More Blessed to Give: Rebbe Nachman on Charity, and Knights of the Rosh HaShanah Table – stories of the valiant “knights” who have faced obstacles and turbulence in their lives, yet overcame their difficulties to travel to Rebbe Nachman in Uman for Rosh HaShanah. We also have several books nearing completion in each of the following languages: Hebrew, Spanish and Russian.
Maybe $100 is a lot of money to ask for. But when we consider the mitzvah of tithing our income and then giving it to charity, it isn’t a large request at all. Consider: Tithes are just 10% of one’s income, and presumably one’s income is more than $1,000 per annum. Then the request for $100 is not a large sum after all! It might not be easy, but it’s not that difficult, either. Especially when the Talmud promises, “One who shears off money for charity will see his income increase!” (Gittin 7a).
We appeal to you, faithful followers of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings and readers who thirst, like us, to see more and better publications come into being. Please open your hearts and contribute life-sustaining money to continue our work! Of course, if you can send more, we appreciate it even more! And if you cannot afford $100, please contribute what you can. But please, everyone, help us out in these trying times. You know that we rarely make appeals, either by direct mail or internet. But in these financially difficult moments, we have also become desperate enough to feel the humiliation of asking for extra help.
May God bless you all with the Talmudic promise of increased wealth, together with good health, emotional stability, financial security and, most importantly, spiritual growth.
With deepest thanks,
Chaim Kramer
Executive Director
Breslov Research Institute
You can contribute US currency on line on our website.
For checks, please mail to:
Breslov Research Institute
POB 5370, Jerusalem, Israel
(for all Israel & non North American addresses.)
Or to:
Breslov Research Institute
POB 587
Monsey, NY 10952
Canadian Friends of Chasidei Breslov
c/o Levinson, 84 Regina Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1V2, CANADA
bri has been an immense bracha in my life and i'm sure the lives of else would so many of us english speakers/readers be aware of the amazing, uplifting work of rebbe nachman?!!
yasher koach to r' kramer, r' greenbaum, r' bergman, r' mykoff and the whole crew of bri.
may H' bless and strengthen you always.
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