Rashi In Yiddish - פשוטו של רש"י על התורה

This edition provides a phrase-by-phrase Yiddish translation and elucidation of Rashi’s commentary of the Chumash. I have recently begun using it as part of my lunch time mini seder.

אַשְׂכִּילָה בְּדֶרֶךְ תָּמִים
posted by A Simple Jew @ 4:32 AM 5 comments
Have you ever tried using the old Ivri-Taytsch chumashim?
Yes. I use one put out from New Square. I also just picked up a Hebrew/Yiddish Pirkei Avos for small children that I am using on Shabbos.
feel free to post links for any hebrew/yiddish books you know of :D
I like old Ivre-Taich more because most modern have genders all messed up grammatically.
Does this edition contain text of Chumash as well?
I am really thinking of getting this, but my Hebrew is rusty and my Yiddish is in beginner stage still. However, I am able to understand nearly everything on the sample page that you have here
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