Sharp Words About Faking Yichus

There was a certain man who claimed that he a a very distinguished yichus and that he was the einikel of a famous Chassidic rebbe.
Not believing the boasting man's claim, a colleague of his investigated the matter thoroughly and then remarked, "It is obvious he doesn't believe in techias hameisim (resurrection of the dead)!"
"What are you talking about?", his friend remarked. "Techias hameisim is a principle of our emuna and that guy is a frum guy."
"That very might well be the case, but it is obvious that he doesn't believe in techias hameisim, because if he did he would be scared stiff that everything would be revealed when that supposed rebbe ancestor of his came back and told everybody the truth."
Not believing the boasting man's claim, a colleague of his investigated the matter thoroughly and then remarked, "It is obvious he doesn't believe in techias hameisim (resurrection of the dead)!"
"What are you talking about?", his friend remarked. "Techias hameisim is a principle of our emuna and that guy is a frum guy."
"That very might well be the case, but it is obvious that he doesn't believe in techias hameisim, because if he did he would be scared stiff that everything would be revealed when that supposed rebbe ancestor of his came back and told everybody the truth."
And if in fact he was an eynikel of a famous Chassidishe Rebbe ... UVCHEN - so what ?
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