Davening At Home

"I am sorry I couldn't make it to minyan yesterday, my yetzer hara got the best and told me to stay inside where it was warm and dry", Yosef explained.
Hearing this, the rabbi responded, "Yosef, don't you understand that the same G-d who tells you to come to minyan is the same G-d who makes it rain?"
“Today G-d wanted me to daven b’avoida, b’arichus.”
On Tuesday, Hashem wanted us to daven shacharis in the dark at the Yeshiva (because the power was out for about three hours). We did it, and it felt wonderful to do it like they would have back 150 years ago, minus the linoleum floors etc.
So true. Prior to the death of my father a"h I wasn't a big fan of minyan. I went twice a day, but it was always a struggle. However, I saw in myself, as I worked hard to say Kaddish w/ a minyan 3 times a day, my Yetzer would come up with many ways to stop my plans.
Tefillah, whether it was based on the avos communicating with Hakodesh baruch hu or whether it be based on Karbanos were NOT done with others --it was done Beyachid. Maybe it's not the Yetzer Harah convincing you to stay home and daven but rather your Yetzer Hatov trying to get you to follow the Torah.
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