
Friday, October 29, 2010

Opening Minds

The neshoma yeseira comes down on Shabbos to open minds of people and make them understand the Torah topics that stumped them all week.

(Me'am Loez)


  1. So we won't sense this neshoma yeseira on Shabbos unless we tackle difficult (for us) Torah topics during the week?

  2. No no, we get it anyways, because it helps us enjoy Shabbos that much more. This can be read in a different way. We could say that it comes down on Shabbos to open minds of people (stop) meaning to open our minds to the delights of Shabbos, so we grasp the awesomeness of Shabbos intellectually, and make us understand all the Torah that stumped us during the week. Which leads me to believe that if you learned Torah and you weren't that stumped, you are either a genius which is what the YH wants you to think, or you learned it very superficially, which the YH wants you to do if you are going to learn.
