Water Under The Bridge

From time to time an uncharitable thought or memory may arise in my mind regarding the actions of a fellow Jew. If I cannot push it out my head immediately, I ask myself, "When did this event occur? Did it just happen, or did occur before Yom Kippur?"
If it occurred before Yom Kippur, I remind myself to assume that this was an action the person did teshuva for. If I truly believe that Yom Kippur wipes away my aveiros, I must believe that it wiped away this person's aveiros as well.
Do you also follow the custom of forgiving other Jews in the bedtime prayers, as printed in many siddurim?
Excellent post.
I believe, even if it occurred after Yom Kippur, regarding most Jews, ie the Tzaddikim and the Benonim, we are required to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they have already done Teshuva for it. I know with the Tzaddikim we are required to, and I am not sure if it is a requirement or midas chassidas by the benonim. Either way, it can't hurt to assume a person has done Teshuva.
לקוטי מוהר"ן – תורה רפ"ב: דע כי צריך לדון את כל אדם לכף זכות ואפילו מי שהוא רשע גמור צריך לחפש ולמצא בו איזה מעט טוב שבאותו המעט אינו רשע ועל ידי זה שמוצא בו מעט טוב ודן אותו לכף זכות על ידי זה מעלה אותו באמת לכף זכות ויכול להשיבו בתשובה
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