
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

התבודדות על ספר תהלים

(Picture by Yaakov Klein)

In the introduction to his commentary on Sefer Tehillim Tiv HaTehillos, Rabbi Gamliel HaCohen Rabinowitz wrote,

“It is to be regarded as a great and precious accomplishment to have the privilege to produce your own, new commentaries on the verses of Tehillim, drawn from the roots of your soul during the recitation of the chapters of Tehillim, when you uplift yourself to a high spiritual level. One may then discover ideas and nuances, new insights into the holy verses, and even new ethical concepts. Such new commentaries and discoveries are sent to a person by the Almighty Himself, while the person is reciting Tehillim.”

With these words in mind, I initiated a project on Erev Shabbos Tetzaveh to spend time in hisbodedus and focus on the meaning of a single kapitel of Tehillim each week; asking Hashem to reveal its personal meaning to me.

In order not to get frustrated and overwhelmed by the size of a project that will take a minimum of 150 weeks to complete, I decided not to begin with the first kapitel, but rather start at kapitel 150 and proceed in no particular order – other than by first focusing on the kapitlach that make up the Tikkun HaKlali.

I plan to write down the thoughts that come to me during hisbodedus and post them on a weekly basis, beginning next week. With Hashem's help, I hope to spend time on all 150 kapitlach and share my thoughts with you.


  1. Yashar Koi'ach! Bear in mind, of course, that many of the thoughts will be of a highly personal nature.

  2. Thanks! Understood completely - that is why I plan to be selective in what I share here.

  3. Hatzlacha! This will surely be a treasure for your children when the time comes (and for those of us who read your blog).

    Being able to really say Tehillim is an avodah that I've always found difficult. I plug away each week, but I often feel that I'm going through the motions.

  4. Mochin Rechavim: Thanks!

    Neil: I plan to put all of them together (including the ones I do not post) in a book form when I am done as a gift to my children one day.

    I know what you mean about "really saying" Tehillim. Before starting this project, I said Tikkun HaKlali everyday and completed the whole sefer Tehillim each week. While I am still retaining these practices, I tend to have much more kavanah when I can just focus on one.

    That said, I can honestly say that m

  5. Kol haKavod!
    Hatzlacha on this, I look forward to reading your insights into Tehillim

  6. Wonderful! Looking forward to it. I encourage you to do a post on Tehillim 137, since I think that is a particularly difficult one for people (especially the last line). I'm also interested in any ideas about what's special about the Tehillim included in Tikkun haKlali -- allusions to the brit, how they make up the ten kinds of song, etc. Has anyone done a commentary specifically about Tikkun haKlali before?

  7. Yishai:

    I appreciate your comment. I agree that the last line in 137 is difficult and I will try to spend some time today and tomorrow on it. So far, I haven't written anything on it.

    As for a perirush on Tikkun HaKlali, there is a Tikkun HaKlali Hamefurash that includes the Rashi and Metzudos Tzion. I think there also may be a Tikkun HaKlali with pieces from Likutey Halachos as well.
