
Friday, September 21, 2012

Taivos Olam Hazeh

ועמך לא חפצתי בארץ

And when I am with You, I do not desire anything on earth. (Tehillim 73:25)

And when I do desire and partake of things in this world, do I do so in a way in which I still remember You, Hashem?



  2. Shekoacho Ugvoruso Malay Olam

    Very interesting image rendered on the weather mape, no? It looks like a question mark. As if the One above Hashem Yisboruch is asking us loudly - SO what are “you” going to do now? It’s obvious to anyone on the spiritual wavelength that the Holy One, blessed be He, Hashem our creator is going all out to get people’s attention with this storm.

    But, while they recognize the uniqueness of this situation, they still refuse to see in it Yad Hashem - the hand of Hashem. This should be a reminder of the Dor Hamabul. We live in a corrupt society and Hashem is telling us to do Teshuva. If not I can destroy parts of the world again. Some conspiracy web sites are even claiming “Superstorm Sandy” is man-made, a manifestation of weather wars that was created as a weapon to upset the elections or as an excuse to begin filling up FEMA camps Chas VeSholom.

    Among all the preparation lists being handed around, I have yet to see one that included an admonition to pray to Hashem to say Tehilim to improve our Tznius give Tzedokah and no Loshon Hora. It’s up to us - the Jews - the servants of God - to proclaim His Mastery over all that He has created and continues to create at every moment. Please don’t make lite of this post, we have to wake up Moshiach is at our doorstep waiting for us to do Teshuva so he can do his job.

    It’s not to late yet. Do yourself a favor & hit the road out of the USA & into Israel before you head into the future COMMUNISM of America that’s where we are heading to. It’s not a joke. Please Google “the new world order” then google “FEMA camps” get educated you’ll be shocked and hopefully understand what’s happening “to us” here in the (US) Golden Medinah. Time IS running out for us.

    No Rav/Rebbeh will tell you to run from US, use your brains, same thing happened in Nazi Germany, the Rabonim where thinking about their future, the Rabonim with nice incomes were afraid to loose it. Time to think how to save yourself and your family, no matter what, it will always be better and safer in Eretz Yisroel, even though it won’t be easy street any place in the world, but here in the USA we clearly see the handwriting openly, understand that there is very little time left for us to save our future.

    The way things have been going, one day we’ll wake up and be stuck here C”V the doors are going to be locked, SHUT DOWN FOR EVER don’t wait for the last moment look and see what happened in Sedom. I beg you to get hold of you friends parents in-laws wife and kids etc. and explain that the US is coming to an END

    Open your eyes & watch on a weekly basis as you get watched more & more & all rights & freedoms are removed from all of US in the USA. i.e. see what’s doing with Rabashkin, the US is about to become a full dictatorship like what communist Russia was combined with the “kindness” of Nazi Germany C”V, what’s with the FEMA camps that the US government built throughout America? With the gas chambers and trains etc. NOW we have to do Teshuva must beg Hashem for the Geulah, very hard time are approaching our way C”Vץ lets have lots of Achudas do Teshuva to be Zocha for the Geulah

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  5. i dont know who the guy is that wrote the above peice about leaving the us of a to israel and comparing times to before ww2 ,but saying that the rabonim and rebbes wont tell you bla bla really stinks of apikorsus and laytzonus of the worst kind , I KNOW BETTER THAN THE TORAH , I KNOW WHAT THESE RABBONIM DONT KNOW ! SMELLY BAAL GAAVA !
