אור ליום ב' פרשת פנחס תקמ"א

Degel Machaneh Ephaim, Chalamos:
On Sunday night of Parshas Pinchas 5541, I saw my grandfather in a dream. He brought me right up against his face and hugged me with both hands and kissed me. He said, "Your ring and my ring will go out into the world. My Master of the Name and your good name. You will be a servant of Hashem and learn and speak Torah to Klal Yisroel."
There was a man there among the important guests that would commonly come to the tzaddikim to listen to them. My grandfather nodded his head towards this man as if to say 'so it shall be with certainty'. I was standing on a bench and I saw him nod his head.
In Degel Machaneh Ephraim, Parshas Pinchas, the Degel wrote הצדיק נקרא בשם חותם . A chosam (seal) can also be a sort of signet ring, correct? If so, do you think there is a connection between the chosam ring in this dream and the teaching in Parshas Pinchas?
ASJ: Whuh? Huh? These convoluted mental associations are hard to follow....
These are all remazim, allusions, so they are open to interpretation. Another possibly relevant association is the Gemara that states: "Chasimas Hashem emes -- the seal (or imprint, as from a signet ring) of G-d is truth." The tzaddik attests to the truth of G-d's existence and active involvement with His world. So maybe we can say that the tzaddik is like a ring...
Rabbi Tal Zwecker translated a section from Parshas Pinchas here:
“A Tzadik is called a seal because he is stamped with truth, which is the seal of The King. This is the meaning behind the verse in Iyov 38:14, “It changes like clay under the seal.”... The way a seal works is that once you stamp it into the wax then the letters which are in relief sink in and form engraved letters in the wax. The letters that are engraved bring out the letters in relief and define them... this is “It changes like clay under the seal.” The letters change since those in relief on the seal are flipped by being engraved into the wax. The engraved letters then define and control or limit the letters in relief. So too anyone attached to the Tzadik who is called a seal the Tzadik fashions them and defines them, guarding and limiting them from leavening the fence of Hashem... then the letters of the Tzadik are transformed from CHoSaM to CHoMaS from a seal to a wall that guards Israel.”
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