"All You Need To Do Is Ask!"

Early Sunday morning, I asked the Sudilkover Rebbe what we should be doing about the situation in Eretz Yisroel.
The Rebbe answered with the following parable:
A person is travelling through a desert and has run out of water. All of a suden an angel appears to him and tells him that if asks for just one thing, Hashem will answer him.
What do you think that this thirsty person should ask for?
The Rebbe said that most people answer this question by saying that the man dying of thirst should ask for a glass of water. However, the truly intelligent person answers this question by saying that he should ask to be saved and returned to the comfort of his home.
In this time of sakana (danger), we can certainly say more kapitlach of Tehillim, however we need not focus our tefillos on interim goals of the IDF's success in Gaza or the safety of civilians during rocket attacks, we need only to focus our tefillos on the ultimate goal; Moshiach.
The Rebbe said that people are spending too much time listening to the news and not enough time internalizing the hints that are being sent to us. Each day, Hashem is telling us "My precious children, I will send you Moshiach and release you from golus, all you need to do is ask!"
The Rebbe answered with the following parable:
A person is travelling through a desert and has run out of water. All of a suden an angel appears to him and tells him that if asks for just one thing, Hashem will answer him.
What do you think that this thirsty person should ask for?
The Rebbe said that most people answer this question by saying that the man dying of thirst should ask for a glass of water. However, the truly intelligent person answers this question by saying that he should ask to be saved and returned to the comfort of his home.
In this time of sakana (danger), we can certainly say more kapitlach of Tehillim, however we need not focus our tefillos on interim goals of the IDF's success in Gaza or the safety of civilians during rocket attacks, we need only to focus our tefillos on the ultimate goal; Moshiach.
The Rebbe said that people are spending too much time listening to the news and not enough time internalizing the hints that are being sent to us. Each day, Hashem is telling us "My precious children, I will send you Moshiach and release you from golus, all you need to do is ask!"
But haven't Yidden been asking that for thousands of years already? I'm not saying not to ask, but to make it sound like one just has to ask and it will be granted presto? We have to do work on ourselves, do teshuvoh, etc., so the requests will have a better chance of being granted.
Anonymous: Obviously enough of us aren't even asking or perhaps we are only paying lip-service to the concept...
We must be in a constant state of internal review...
Thanks for the reminder, ASJ.
And great graffiti picture!
-Dixie Yid
The biggest exile is when one stops realizing that one is in exile. The first step is to realize that we are in exile; the second is to realize what redemption means; the third is to live it.
Your Rebbe's advice is insightful. Again, thanks for sharing this.
I went to daaven to Hashem by the Lubavetcher Rebbe's Ohel a couple days ago.
Before I opened my mouth, I stood there for a while wondering if praying to find my zivug, or praying for parnasa, or praying for health of ill family, or the chayalim and Jews in S. Israel was really paramount to using the time to pray for Geulah...
"Before I opened my mouth, I stood there for a while wondering if praying to find my zivug, or praying for parnasa, or praying for health of ill family, or the chayalim and Jews in S. Israel was really paramount to using the time to pray for Geulah..."
-There is no contradiction.
Truly and sincerely praying for the latter (Geulah) will include all of the former.
Moshiach Now!
There is some sort of confusion. I do not know if this was a misprint, but to not pray for Jews in IDF, CHAS VESHALOM! Chazal, our sages have rulled that in matters of Pikuah Nefesh(Protection of lives), even the concern of bringing Moshiach must be put asside for the moment. Kol Vahomor (how much more so) Rambam has rulled that "one should know, that any Mitzvah can be the one to tip the scales of the world to good and usher in the complete Redemption". How much more so then the Mitzvah whof protecting Jewish lives!
An even more intelligent person would ask for Moshiach now!!
and here it is 11/12/23.. on the heels of 10/7.
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