Friday, October 15, 2004

Rashi's lesson for us in Parshas Noach

"Noach was a righteous man, perfect in his generations." (6:9)

QUESTION: Rashi comments: "There are some among our rabbis (rabboteinu) who explain this as praise for Noach: Were he living among tzaddikim he would have been a greater tzaddik. Others, however, explain it to his discredit: Noach was only a tzaddik in comparison to his generation: were he in the times of Avraham, he would be considered naught." Why in the negative opinion does Rashi omit the word "rabboteinu"?

ANSWER: The word "rabboteinu" literally means "our teachers." There are many ways to learn from a teacher. One can learn from his behavior, from his manner of speech, and from the knowledge he instills.

In Pirkei Avot (1:6) we are taught to always judge a person favorably, giving him the benefit of the doubt. To judge Noach's status were he living in another generation is to speculate. Thus, the rabbis who praised him are suited to be "our teachers": we can learn from them to always look favorably on another person.

The opinion of the others (who project that Noach possibly would not be so great) may be correct, but they would not be qualified to be regarded as "our teachers" who are to instruct us in judging another person.

From the book "Vedibarta Bam: And You Shall Speak of Them A Compilation of Selected Torah Insights, Thought-Provoking Ideas, Homilies And Explanations of Torah Passages" by Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky

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At October 25, 2006 at 1:27:00 PM EDT, Blogger Neil Harris said...

Very nice, thanks!


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