Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Cognitive Dissonance

Those who smoke cigarettes know that smoking will eventually kill them.

Those who suffer from heart problems yet continue to eat unhealthy foods and refrain from exercising know that this too will eventually kill them.

Those who transgress mitzvos yet understand that Hashem created the world and commanded us to fulfill His Torah know that their actions only distance themselves from Him.

Rather than changing their route all of these people continue to trod down the path of cognitive dissonance.

They know, but at times they choose not to know.

Note: I am making an observation that is certainly applicable to myself. I do not claim to be anywhere near perfect.


At April 27, 2005 at 2:10:00 PM EDT, Blogger Jack Steiner said...

That makes a lot of sense, but there is a question here that strikes me. And that is, for the person who is not sure of their belief in Hashem it can be hard to try and be Shomer Mitzvot.

I know people who do not believe, but are Torah observant just in case.

It seems sad to me to do something out of fear of being wrong and not because it is the right thing to do.


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