Hoover: The Sheitel Macher
Last Wednesday night, our vacuum cleaner stopped working properly. I turned it over and found that the rollers were totally wrapped in hair.
I spent twenty minutes cutting hair out of the vacuum cleaner and showed the pile to my wife, telling her that I now had enough hair to make a clone of her.
My wife didn't appreciate this idea. She suggested that perhaps someone could make a nice sheitel out of it.

Where are the red and blond strands?!
I have no idea. It is a mystery!
Sell it on ebay perhaps?
Jewish Blogmeister: Now there is a GREAT idea!! How much do you think I could get for it? I will make sure to note that the hair did not come from India ;)
Over the years my vacum cleaners have collected pretty amazing amounts of hair in the rollers as well!
I'm pretty sure that the long ones are peyos strands, but I keep wondering where the grey ones came from...
I would like to see the peyos-eating vacuum cleaner at your house :)
Are your kids afraid of it like my kids are?
OK, here's my advice, ASJ:
Step 1: Stop vacuuming people's heads.
Step 2: See step 1.
PT: What I thinking!? I think I will follow step 2 ;)
Thanks for the advice PT! I imagine that would add years to my vacuum.
The little kids are not fans of the vacuum at all (2-6 years old), but the older ones (10-13) like to do the vacuuming whenever possible. The don't think that the one in the middle has an opinion.
Rod: I tell my daughter that my beard is made up of the hair that fell off the top of my head and stuck to my chin ;)
That is an awful big pile of hair! I like the e-bay idea. Scary thing is I bet someone would actually buy it!
MCAryeh: Its got to at least be worth $25 + $12 shipping, right?
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