Trying To Replace Worry With Trust - Part I
Overcomming worry seems to be a lifelong battle. At times my yetzer hara tricks me in to believing that I have overcome this trait. Yet, a little time passes and I slip back into my old ways and worry about things that I should not worry about.
Like acid, worry eats away my insides. Worry reduces my intelligence to that of a small child. It drains my strength and leaves me exhausted and overwhelmed.
Over a year ago I wrote, "Intellectually I know why I should not worry over little things, however it is something that it is extremely hard for me to stop doing." Despite my efforts to subjugate my worry this past year, I don't feel any closer to the goal.
Lately, in my morning hisbodedus I have been saying, "Ribbono shel Olam, help me. You run the world, You are merciful and compassionate, and You know what is best for me. May my worry melt away and be replaced with trust in You!"
I found worry reaches new heights as your children get older and move in to the world of pre-school, then school, yeshiva, etc. Personal worry easily falls to the side, but handling the worries becomes much harder when it's your children.
Akiva: I totally agree with you.
The Real Me: Why not Shaar HaBitachon?...this is what I am learning now.
ASJ, does the hitbodedut calm your worry? It is not an easy thing to let go of. Worry almost becomes something to rely on after a while.
MCAryeh: It certainly helps. I plan to post about this more in Part II next week.
Will look forward to it....
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