Caffeine Detox - Part IV
My nine month caffeine detox experiment has finally come to an end. After watching on the "The Secret Life of Coffee" on the Food Network and reading Frum Philly Farmgirl's posting on coffee, I realized that I could not stop drinking coffee for the rest of my life. My self-control was tested every time I smelled its rich aroma wafting out at me as I passed by coffee shops.
On Sunday morning, I went to the kosher Krispy Kreme near my home and drank a large cup of coffee. Needless to say, it was fantastic! I got such a buzz off it that I felt a tremendous surge of energy. I came home played with my kids outside and all the kids in the neighborhood. Twelve hours later, I still felt that my energy level had not dissipated, and after laying down in bed I could not fall asleep for an hour.
So, here it is, the last posting in the "Caffeine Detox" series. While I do not envision returning to drinking coffee or sodas on a daily basis, I will now enjoy an occasional cup of coffee.

I guess that all things must come to an end ;-)
What are your plans for upcoming (hopefully not) fast days?
Enjoy your coffe!
I am going to try to limit my coffee intake to one or two cups a least to begin with. This way I don't think I will get addicted again. This will also hopefully help the fasting.
How many cups a day do you drink?
Wow, ASJ that was some coffee buzz! I bet the children had a blast! There is definitely a trick in not letting yourself get addicted again. I am so careful not to drink more than my two small cups in the AM with my beloved. Half of it is scalded milk and that helps. I have done the detox several times and this time has gone the best and (please G-d) I think I actually got it! I should think the absence of caffiene will help with fasting immensely.
PS. Make sure you drink your water! This is VERY important in general but especially with this. Coffee dehydrates you and you have to really make up for your water intake when you drink it.
May the Ribono Shel Olam grant that this be your biggest nisayon in life.
Frum Philly Farmgirl: Thanks for the advice.
Akiva: If only that was so!!
Mwaaa haaaa haaaaaaa. I knew you would return to the dark roast.
Oh, and kosher Krispy Kreme- two fantastic things rolled into one. Their jelly doughnuts are to die for.
The featured doughnut of the month is always fantastic. My kids like to watch through the window as they make them glazed doughnuts.
Your journey towards the dark side is complete!
Fedora Black: The dark roasted bean lurks waiting for all of us ;)
ASJ, want to make sure you read this:
I once went off coffee - it was possible. No withdrawal.
But then I read some good things about coffee, and how just 2 cups a day would not harm, but instead be good. I very much like coffee and coffee flavored ices and parve ice cream.
I make mine with 1) soy milk/creamer, 2) coffee (instant with Pesach hecksher), (3) sugar, then the calm boiled water.
When I use drip coffee (organic* only), first is soymilk warmed, placed into a small pot and placed under the dripper, then the coffee drips into the warmed soymilk. This turns out to be so delicious.
I say coffee is the non-alcohol drinker's drink.
*Organic coffee does not contain the same chemicals used to keep the roaches and other bugs away. It's usually sundried. The flavor is richer than regular. Those chemicals are a killer, just like the over 500 chems added to cigarettes. It's the chems that kill you.
How's your wife?
PT: I knew I could count on you for a Star Wars reference ;)
Neshama: I did read your comment and appreciated the information.
My wife is doing well, thank G-d! The baby is due any day now and we are both getting very excited. Thank you for asking.
Ahh, new babies, a wonderful reason to need that caffeine infusion. B'sha'a Tova!
You are quite right, Akiva! It is a good thing that the coffee shop is a cross the street from the hospital! ;)
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