Rebbe Nachman On War
Sichos HaRan #77:
The world is full of strife. There are wars between the great world powers. There are conflicts within different localities. There are feuds among families. There is discord between neighbors. There is friction within a household, between man and wife, between parents and children.
Life is short. People die every day. The day that has passed will never return and death comes closer every day. But people still fight and never once remember their goal in life.
All strife is identical. The friction within a family is a counterpart of the wars between nations. Each person in a household is the counterpart of a world power and their quarrels are the wars between those powers. The traits of each nation are also reflected in these individuals. Some nations are known for anger, others for blood-thirstiness. Each one has its particular trait. The counterparts of these traits are found in each household.
You may wish to live in peace. You have no desire for strife. Still you are forced into dispute and conflict. Nations are the same. A nation may desire peace and make many concessions to achieve it. But no matter how much it tries to remain neutral, it can still be caught up in war. Two opposing sides can demand its allegiance until it is drawn into war against its will.
The same is true in a household. Man is a miniature world. His essence contains the world and everything in it. A man and his family contain the nations of the world, including all their battles.
A man living alone can become insane. Within him are all the warring nations. His personality is that of the victorious nation. Each time a different nation is victorious, he must change completely and this can drive him insane. He is alone and cannot express the war within him. But when one lives with others, these battles are expressed toward his family and friends.
There may be strife in the household of a tzaddik. This too is a war between nations. It is also the war between the twelve tribes, such as between Ephraim and Yehudah.
When Moshiach comes all wars will be abolished. The world will have eternal peace, as it is written, "They will neither hurt nor destroy…" (Yeshayahu 11:9).
I have a Breslov calendar that brings this powerful lesson for Pesach, something like this:
Its no coincidence that the 4 sons come soon after the episode of the talmidim telling Rabbi Akiva and the other tannaim that zman shacharis has arrived. The hint is that since the seemingly disparate characters are sitting at one table they have successfully made shalom. This achievement heralds the shalom and ultimate tikkun of the world with the dawn of geula. Hence the roshei teivos of the arba bonim are:
Tam, CHacham, Rasha, SHeino Yodei
May we be zoche to shalom at home and in Eretz Yisroel with the rebuilding of Yerushalayim bba!
I came accross your site and have a question...
What does the law say about fasting?
I was Christian until I felt convicted that the sabbath was on Saturday, and then started observing it. I have begun reading the Old testament and see such a difference compared to the new.
you can email me or comment on my blogpage
More on fasting can be found here
As written above when Moshiach comes wars will be abolished.
We can play a part if just a small part by immersing our minds in the Inner Dimensions of Torah/Chassidus/Kabbalah.
The Lubovitcher Rebbe told the two Chief Rabbis of Israel in 1984 that the single reason for the continuation of exile is due to the lack of learning of Pneemeuse HaTorah.
If Pneemeuse HaTorah will end the exile it will obliterate the symptoms of exile such as war.
To be continued with Hashem's Blessings upon all souls!!!
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