Thursday, October 26, 2006

What I Heard In The Minivan Tonight From My Four Year-Old Daughter On Our Way Out To Dinner

Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach!


At October 26, 2006 at 6:50:00 PM EDT, Blogger A Simple Jew said...

Earlier in the evening the following conversation took place:

Daughter: "Noach buillt a teivah."

Mommy: Is that like a big boat?

Daughter: "No. It is like a teivah."

At October 26, 2006 at 9:08:00 PM EDT, Blogger Philly Farmgirl said...

Hey ASJ! Do you know what parsha it is this week? It is Parshas Noach! LOL!!!
That is too funny! Well, at least you know she is learning the parasha and she's excited about it. We all should all be that psyched about our learning. Tell her Mrs. Philly Farmgirl is VERY proud of her. Great job honey!:-)

At October 26, 2006 at 9:36:00 PM EDT, Blogger Neil Harris said...

That's great. Over dinner I was informed by 4yr old Uberdaughter that "Hims built a teivah. Noach had tree floors. Top for peoples. Middle for aminals. Bottom for thems garbage. Abba, the bottom very stinky."
Have a great Shabbos Kodesh!

At October 27, 2006 at 6:53:00 AM EDT, Blogger A Simple Jew said...

Philly Farmgirl: ;)

Neil: That is too funny!

At October 27, 2006 at 9:30:00 AM EDT, Blogger Neil Harris said...

I wish I could say they get their humor from me, but..

At October 27, 2006 at 1:45:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute (and it's much better than "Are we there yet?")...

Look at the bright side, when your kids are around you'll be sure to know what parsha it is!

At October 27, 2006 at 1:48:00 PM EDT, Blogger A Simple Jew said...

Very true!

At October 28, 2006 at 11:45:00 PM EDT, Blogger Mottel said...

As a kid I was
"Bottle Apple Juice, Bottel Apple Juice . . . "
Much Nachas


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