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Excerpt from this week's edition of Parsha Parts:
And Hashem will skip over the entrance (Shmos 12:23).
Generally, Heaven doesn’t save a person from trouble unless the person first makes an effort on his own to repent. Our Sages say, Hashem says, ‘Open for me an entrance the size of the eye of a needle and I will open for you an entrance the size of a great hall’. An entrance, even extremely small, must be opened first by the person. However, B’nei Yisroel were engulfed in the impurities of exile in Egypt and had no merits of their own with which to open any entrance. Nevertheless, Hashem had mercy on them and opened up the entrance to redemption for them without considering that they had not even opened an entrance the size of the eye of a needle on their own.
Hashem will skip over the entrance. Hashem skipped over the usual requirement that a person has to open the entrance first. He opened the entrance to redemption for them.
--Botzina D’Nihora from R’ Boruch of Medzhibozh
Halevai this should happen again.
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