A House Without A Copy - More On Segulos
Rabbi Tal Zwecker's translation of Noam Elimelech is scheduled to be released this year by Targum Press. On his website, he wrote, "There is a well known segulah - protection to carrying a copy of the sefer Noam Elimelech. The Biale Rebbe would not enter a house that did not contain a copy of this sefer and would often hand his gabai a copy and ask him to enter a home first so that the Rebbe would not enter a house that did not have a copy."
While surfing the internet, I came across a website that offers a number of seforim such as Noam Elimelech that were reduced onto microfilm cards at 1/3000th of the original size. I e-mailed the company and informed them of the segula associated with Degel Machaneh Ephraim and requested that they make a microfilm card for this sefer. So far, I have not hear back anything, but I hope they consider this suggestion.
Besides Noam Elimelech, Chitas and Likutey Moharan, are there any other Sifrei Chassidus with segulos associated with them?
While surfing the internet, I came across a website that offers a number of seforim such as Noam Elimelech that were reduced onto microfilm cards at 1/3000th of the original size. I e-mailed the company and informed them of the segula associated with Degel Machaneh Ephraim and requested that they make a microfilm card for this sefer. So far, I have not hear back anything, but I hope they consider this suggestion.
Besides Noam Elimelech, Chitas and Likutey Moharan, are there any other Sifrei Chassidus with segulos associated with them?

I heard something interesting on a CD of Rabbi Goldshevsky a Breslov Manhig.
He Said:
They say the sefer Noam Elimelech is Known as the Sfer shel Tzaddikm.
For the Completely Rightous.
Tanya is the sefer shel Beinonim as its called.
For the in Betweens
But the sefer of Rabeinu Nachman is the sefer Shel Reshaim.
That even the biggest Rasha can Find himself in the sefer and serve H-shem.
Sefer Raziel Hamaloch is not technically a "sefer chasidus." However, having one in the house is supposed to be a segulo to prevent having a fire.
A Gutten Shabbos . . .
Regarding Raziel HaMalach, I read this on a site from rabbi from Ohr Sameach:
"I heard the following from known Kabbalists here in Jerusalem. There is an ancient authoritative Kabbalistic work called Raziel HaMalach (Raziel the Angel). This book is cited by the Zohar, but the book itself was lost over a thousand years ago. What is known today as the book of Raziel HaMalach is actually a distorted version of a genuine Kabbalistic work written by one of the Rishonim (11th - 15th century commentators).
One of the Rishonim wrote a Kabbalistic work, not called Raziel Hamalach. Later, probably before the time of the Arizal (16th century), somebody took this work, added his own ideas to it and added pieces from sources inconsistent with traditional Jewish thought. He then published it under the title Raziel HaMalach. This work is not studied in the Kabbalistic schools."
Rumor has it that the Sefer Raziel Hamaloch also contains references to Reb Leib Soroh's. (I have not checked the copy I have to try to verify this rumor.)
In any case, whether the sefer presently available in seforim stores is authentic or not, ancient or not, distorted or not, studied or not . . . I do know many people have a copy in their home as a segulo to prevent fires.
More than a half of the seyfer called todey "Raziel haMalach" is actually taken from the seyfer "Soydey Rezayo" by Rabeynu Elozer miVermayza ztz"l "Baal haRoykeach". However the rest might come from pretty ancient and also authentic sources, even thought their origins aren't clear. It is correctly noted, that it is not (or at least mostly not) the seyfer which is mentioned in the Zohar. The Rebe ztz"l therefore said, that it is wrong to attribute to it a sgulo of protection against fire.
The statement "added his own ideas to it and added pieces from sources inconsistent with traditional Jewish thought" has to be proved. But I also saw some critics of at least part of the material in "Raziel haMalch" from Rav Erlanger in Shivo Eynaim. He is saying there, that those pieces involve material some of which is kishuf, some of which is not. But it doesn't mean it is "inconsistent with traditional Jewish thought". The material doesn't mean necessarily that it has to be used "as is". There are other sforim hakdoyshim (for example Bris Menucho) that bring practical examples of kishuf just for showing the method and to show the point, and it doesn't mean they are aimed for usage of it. Members of Sanhedrin for example used to know a lot about kishuf, because they were involved with psakim related to it.
You can read about the relation of "Soydey Rezayo" and "Raziel haMalach" in introduction to a recently published edition of "Soydey Rezayo": http://nehora.com/moreinfo.cfm?Product_ID=2611
The site there says the recommend another new edition, but I wonder why. This one was done much more thoroughly using numerous kisvey yad of the seyfer. While another one is just a reprint of the old edition, published previously (for the first) time by the Dinover Rebe ztz"l - Baal "Bney Yisoschor".
Thanks for all the information, A Yid!!
Also, the sefer Heichal Brachah of the Komarna Rebbe is said to be a segulah (i don't know for what exactly--will have to ask) to have in your home.
Thanks..I will look into it.
The Satmar Rebbe, Reb Yoel, said in the name of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz that learning the sefer Tomer Devorah protects one from terrible illnesses. It is now available translated into English and is sold in many places for only $1.
Interesting. Thank you.
Kedushas Levi is a segula for Yiras Shomayim. The Steipler said to keep Sifrei Kabbalah in your house even if you don't understand them. In the tzavah of the Yesod Veshoresh Ha'avodah he says he will be a "Good Advocate" for all who learn his sefer, even if they don't accept upon themselves anything in the sefer. This is quoted at the beggining of the new 2 volume set. Also, the Kav Hayosher said whoever buys his sefer will have hatzlacha. In addition the Maharal Tzintz promised to help anyone that helps to publish his seforim- see this website www.tzintz.org
We could probably say that every sefer is a segula, especially Tanach & Gemara, but I would say it shows Emunas Chachomim by buying the seforim that have these assurances from tzadikim.
Sefer Segulas HaBesht V'Talmidav list many sforim with sgulos. Chumash Heical Habrocha for shmira and many other brachas. Toldos Yaakov Yosef - put under the head of a sick person. Ohr Hagonuz(Reb Yehuda Leib HaKohen of Anipol) for shmira for future generations. There are so many more. When I have time later I will try to write all the ones listed there are probably about 20 here. Maybe you can edit the list a make a post of it.
Certainly! Put them all together in a list and e-mail them to me and I will make a posting out of it. Thanks. :)
Hmmm...sometimes I wonder. People get so caught up in this segula and that one.
If only people would realize that mitzvos, yiras shamaim, and shmiras ha'ainayim are even bigger shmiros!
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