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Monday, January 08, 2007
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So THAT'S why you have such gorgeous & obviously wonderful children!!!! As we say, "a sach nachas" - may you have much satisfaction from them!
Thank you, Yitz. I was blown away when I saw this. I also told the Melitzer Rebbe about it in a phone conversation a few months ago and he too thought was gevaldig.
Very nice. :)
For those who are interested, just few days ago came out a new beautifully reseted reprint of the seyfer "Bris Kehunas Oylom" from Reb Yitzchok Ayzik haKohen miKoretz zy"o. (He was a talmid of the Mezheritcher Maggid). This is not a very widely known seyfer on Chasidus/Kabolo, however well known to those who learn sforim of talmidey hoMaggid.
Also a pirush was added from one who republished it, together with older pirushim.
Hello, would you happen to know which is the segulah to win a Court case and the one to say on behalf of someone else for this person to be able to find a job . Thanks
Could someone be kind to translate this so that we know what the segula requires? many thanks!
The basic idea is that learning Sefer Degel Machane Efraim is a segulah for good children
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