Sorry to say it but the article on alia sounds like watered down meraglim... You think when kids are married other issues don't hold you in chu'l? The bottom line is that people who "make" it in Eretz Yisroel are those WHO HAVE THE WILL TO STAY THERE NO MATTER WHAT! That goes true for both men and women. There're many RICH people who came back to chu'l because of guess what... FINANTIAL DIFFICULTIES! and plenty of poor people who live there and are smechim bchelkam because they're determined to stay!
It's a big mistake to think of alia as a "dream". Dreams normally don't come true...
Yitz: I know you will want to read his latest article on aliya here
Sorry to say it but the article on alia sounds like watered down meraglim... You think when kids are married other issues don't hold you in chu'l?
The bottom line is that people who "make" it in Eretz Yisroel are those WHO HAVE THE WILL TO STAY THERE NO MATTER WHAT! That goes true for both men and women. There're many RICH people who came back to chu'l because of guess what... FINANTIAL DIFFICULTIES! and plenty of poor people who live there and are smechim bchelkam because they're determined to stay!
It's a big mistake to think of alia as a "dream". Dreams normally don't come true...
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