A Tax Refund & A Kiddush Cup
Chayei Moharan #577 states, "The Rebbe once told someone he should make a special effort to use a beautiful and valuable goblet for kiddush..."

A friend of mine recently purchased one of these kiddush cups and now I too am thinking about spending some of my tax refund money on one of these beautiful but expensive kiddush cups that I have had my eyes on for years.
Some people I know will spend an tremendous amount of time before purchasing a new car or flat-screen television set. I, on the other hand, will become totally obsessed when seeking to purchase a costly new item such as a silver menorah, seder plate, or this kiddush cup by which I can fulfill a mitzvah in a more beautiful manner. Is my desire for these things indicative of the fact that it contain sparks which are connected to my shoresh neshoma, or is this just a lofty sounding reason for me to justify and rationalize my spending for something that I just simply want?
Does anyone know if the Rashash is listed in the sefer Shemos HaTzaddikim?
Well if you don't want to use all of your tax refund you can try buying this one.
If these are the things that you "just want" then that itself is a lofty level. Other people desire the TV and you want this.
Rashash is not mentioned in Shemos HaTzadikim. This is probably because of what Reb Noson writes at the end of Shemos HaTzadikim. He says that after the Rabbis of the Shas it is hard to know all the tzadikim because many are known from their seforim and he didn't have every sefer. Also,some were forgotten during the printing. He does say that whoever wants to add the names of other tzadikim, should add, and they will add for you from Shomayim.
Likutey Moharan 23:5
But when the mitzvah is so precious that he does not feel the loss of money, this aspect is called "faith." For faith is mainly in money - when he breaks the desire for money, as explained - which is where the countenance of holiness is found.
Paraparot LeChokmah
Having broken his desire for money by spending in order to perform the mitzvah, a person merits the countenacne of holiness, truth. His wholeheatedly paying for it shows loyalty and devotion on his part. As such, the mitzvah is indeed an act faith.
Jewish Blogmeister: Thanks, but I actually like the one pictured in the posting much better and this is why it has always been in the back of my mind.
A Talmid & Der Erwige Jude: Thanks for your two cents. I appreciate your insights!
I would say that you have refined your desires to want higher things -which as mentioned is also a level.
I myself tend to not indulge in lots of silver things and the like, but that becher is a work of art.
Mottel: I am glad that you too appreciate it! By the way, what do you like to indulge yourself in?
A, there are a number of styles with the engraving on the inside (have one myself). I'm given to understand that it's especially recommended for use during havdalah.
Wow! You have one too?
I have one with the rivers-of-gan-eden interior engravings, not the particular style you prefer.
Blogging ;-)
Buying silver items l'chovod shabbos can definitely be a holy thing -but too often we do it because we like the look, or b/c yenem has it, so I need it too.
hi where can i get this kiddush cup ?
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