Yomim Noraim Camaign - Eizer L'Shabbos

With the arrival of the month of Elul, we are beginning to take stock of our actions during the past year. Elul is a month when we are especially in need of Hashem's compassion since on Rosh Hashana He will decide what type of year we will merit. In Likutey Moharan I, 119, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught:
"When a person is in special need of Hashem's love, Hashem sends him the opportunity to show love to someone else. This is what makes it possible for Hashem's love to be channeled to the person himself."
I hope you will consider this posting to be that opportunity. Chana Besser's new book "Faith Under Fire" mentioned the important role that Eizer L'Shabbos played in helping needy people of Tsfat at the height of last year's war and Katyusha rocket attacks in Tsfat. Now that the war is over, the donations are not coming in on as frequent a basis, yet the need for your chesed still remains a constant. Eizer L'Shabbos continues to distribute food packages Shabbos after Shabbos; never saying no to a family with small children and an empty refrigerator.
Please consider donating $300 for all of a needy family's Shabbos and Yom Tov meals from Rosh Hashana through Simchas Torah.
"When a person is in special need of Hashem's love, Hashem sends him the opportunity to show love to someone else. This is what makes it possible for Hashem's love to be channeled to the person himself."
I hope you will consider this posting to be that opportunity. Chana Besser's new book "Faith Under Fire" mentioned the important role that Eizer L'Shabbos played in helping needy people of Tsfat at the height of last year's war and Katyusha rocket attacks in Tsfat. Now that the war is over, the donations are not coming in on as frequent a basis, yet the need for your chesed still remains a constant. Eizer L'Shabbos continues to distribute food packages Shabbos after Shabbos; never saying no to a family with small children and an empty refrigerator.
Please consider donating $300 for all of a needy family's Shabbos and Yom Tov meals from Rosh Hashana through Simchas Torah.
For $2,600 you can sponsor the Shabbos meals of a small family or an entire year, and for $5,200 you can sponsor all the Shabbos meals for large family for an entire year.
If you cannot give even $18, I would like to ask you to at least daven that Rabbi Binyomin Rosenberg (HaRav Binyomin ben Malla) be successful to raise funds so that the needy families in Tsfat will have proper necessities during festive month of Tishrei.
Tax-deductible donations for the Yomim Noraim campaign can be sent to:
Eizer L'Shabbos
5014 16th Avenue, Suite 319
Brooklyn, NY 11204
To donate by credit card, please call 917-499-7760
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