Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught that the recitation of the Targum section of Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum was of primary importance. He noted that the first recitation in Hebrew corresponded to chochma, the second recitation in Hebrew corresponded to bina, and the third recitation in Aramaic corresponded to da'as.
Mishnah Berura 285:5, on the other hand, states, "One who does not understand the Aramaic may read, as "Targum", a translation of the parsha rendered into one's mother tongue, provided the translation includes commentary based on the teachings of Chazal."
After seeing this teaching, I asked Rabbi Nasan Maimon about this issue. Rabbi Maimon answered, "There is definitely something intrinsic in the Aramaic language that is not contained within English. The Zohar Hakadosh, Ari Zal, Rabbenu Zal and Reb Nasan Zal have major discussions about the significance of Targum".
I also asked the Sudilkover Rebbe whether he thought there was a necessity for me to recite the Targum in Aramaic even if I did not understand it, or whether I could follow the guidance in the Mishnah Berura 285:5. The Sudilkover Rebbe reminded me that Aramaic is the language of the Gemara and Zohar and encouraged me to continue to recite the Targum in Aramaic for this reason.
In order to complete shnayim mikra v'echad targum each week before Shabbos, I started using this sefer that I purchased shortly before Simchas Torah. I have found it extremely easy to use since it has large print and its layout does not force one's eyes to jump back and forth on a page for each pasuk.
In order to complete shnayim mikra v'echad targum each week before Shabbos, I started using this sefer that I purchased shortly before Simchas Torah. I have found it extremely easy to use since it has large print and its layout does not force one's eyes to jump back and forth on a page for each pasuk.
Wow, what a brilliant idea (that sefer)! Thanks for sharing it!
I believe there is a sefer called "Yein haTov" which goes pasuk by pasuk over what in the Targum is different than straight translation so you can appreciate what the targum adds to understanding the pasuk.
Do you do Rashi with Sifsei Chachomim as well?
I find with the S.C., Rashi oftentimes becomes abundantly clearer and you get a slightly wider if tiny glimpse of Rashi's Gadlus and unbelievable holiness.
To become a talmid chocham, one must learn targum - for words, at least. About reading mikra twice, one can ask a shailah since there is a view, I think Beis Yosef, that one can count one time of hearing the torah reading as one reading of shnaim mikra vechad targum. It might even work to follow the reading in the targum instead of chumash, and possibly it may count as two of the three readins; only one reading of the chumash might then be needed.
I learned almost all of my Aramaic from the targum in Hok L'yisrael..
I know that its more than three years later, but I'm pretty sure that there are m'koros that the Baal Shem Hakadosh was careful to do pasuk, pasuk, targum (as opposed to a whole pesucha or stuma at a time). Also, davka on Erev Shabbos. Just thought you might be interested altz the Baal Shem-Degel connection.
How about a Shnayim Micra which has three adjacent versions: Hebrew-Aramaic-English. This would seem to provide the greatest learning opportunity for a novice.
To follow up on my own posting above, Feldheim has a version with the three languages adjacent:
Shnayim Mikra v'Echad Targum, Hardcover, 5 Vols.
Compact hardcover, 5 volumes
At the time of this posting it is not available, but they intend to make it available soon. -Dan
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