Kitzur Likutey Moharan

Should a person first learn Kitzur Likutey Moharan before attempting to learn Likutey Moharan?
Rabbi Lazer Brody:
"No - he should learn Kitzur Likutey Moharan as a summary aid in reviewing the salient points of the Rebbe's Torahs, and as a way of checking his own comprehension compared to Reb Nosson's summaries."
A Yid:
"I think the opposite is the case. Kitzur Likutey Moharan should be used for reviewing the practical conclusion of each ma'amar, and one should learn it after finishing the Torah from the complete Likutey Moharan. Kitzur Likutey Moharan HaShalem also contains some implicit explanations from the Tcheriner Rov ztz"l so it is best used as a commentary on Likutey Moharan geared towards the practical application of Rebbe's teachings."
A Talmid:
"I am no expert but I would suggest learning the first few pieces of Likutey Moharan and then some of the more famous pieces such as Kavonos of Elul (6), Azamra (262) and those on Hisbodedus and simcha such as Part 2, 24 & 25. There are also many relatively easy (at least on a simple level) pieces at the end of Part 2, with many on Hisbodedus. I like to use the Kitzur also by going through it on the pieces that go completely over my head, and when something piques my interest, I look it up in the regular sefer. I have heard very knowledgeable Breslovers say that they would suggest the English version of Likutey Moharan, since the footnotes explain a lot based on the teaching of Breslover gedolim. I would imagine this should be easier than using the Kitzur. In the end each has it's place. Since I am no expert on Likutey Moharan, I enjoy going thru the Kitzur at times trying to pick up the practical aspects of the teachings."
Rabbi Nasan Maimon:
"You can learn it before, after, and together with Likutey Moharan."
Rabbi Chaim Kramer:
"It all depends on how advanced he is. Generally, it is suggested anyway, because it gives the person somewhat of a review before getting into the actual text."
Rabbi Dovid Sears:
"Before a couple gets married, they must meet each other in order to get acquainted and see if they like one another and if they have the same values, goals, sensitivities, etc. Likutey Moharan is really a limud that requires "total immersion". Therefore, the Kitzur Likutey Moharan composed by Reb Noson and subsequently expanded by the Tcheriner Rov is a good way of "getting acquainted" with the key ideas and practical avodahs of Likutey Moharan. It is also a good way to review the lesson you are studying when you are ready to dive in. Aside from presenting excerpts from the larger sefer, there are many interpretations and hesberim in the Kitzur that are extremely helpful. Last but not least, it can be a good springboard for hisbodedus when you are working on a certain lesson and want to internalize its message and follow the living path it delineates. Thus the "Kitzur" can be a shortcut to the tachlis!"
Rabbi Lazer Brody:
"No - he should learn Kitzur Likutey Moharan as a summary aid in reviewing the salient points of the Rebbe's Torahs, and as a way of checking his own comprehension compared to Reb Nosson's summaries."
A Yid:
"I think the opposite is the case. Kitzur Likutey Moharan should be used for reviewing the practical conclusion of each ma'amar, and one should learn it after finishing the Torah from the complete Likutey Moharan. Kitzur Likutey Moharan HaShalem also contains some implicit explanations from the Tcheriner Rov ztz"l so it is best used as a commentary on Likutey Moharan geared towards the practical application of Rebbe's teachings."
A Talmid:
"I am no expert but I would suggest learning the first few pieces of Likutey Moharan and then some of the more famous pieces such as Kavonos of Elul (6), Azamra (262) and those on Hisbodedus and simcha such as Part 2, 24 & 25. There are also many relatively easy (at least on a simple level) pieces at the end of Part 2, with many on Hisbodedus. I like to use the Kitzur also by going through it on the pieces that go completely over my head, and when something piques my interest, I look it up in the regular sefer. I have heard very knowledgeable Breslovers say that they would suggest the English version of Likutey Moharan, since the footnotes explain a lot based on the teaching of Breslover gedolim. I would imagine this should be easier than using the Kitzur. In the end each has it's place. Since I am no expert on Likutey Moharan, I enjoy going thru the Kitzur at times trying to pick up the practical aspects of the teachings."
Rabbi Nasan Maimon:
"You can learn it before, after, and together with Likutey Moharan."
Rabbi Chaim Kramer:
"It all depends on how advanced he is. Generally, it is suggested anyway, because it gives the person somewhat of a review before getting into the actual text."
Rabbi Dovid Sears:
"Before a couple gets married, they must meet each other in order to get acquainted and see if they like one another and if they have the same values, goals, sensitivities, etc. Likutey Moharan is really a limud that requires "total immersion". Therefore, the Kitzur Likutey Moharan composed by Reb Noson and subsequently expanded by the Tcheriner Rov is a good way of "getting acquainted" with the key ideas and practical avodahs of Likutey Moharan. It is also a good way to review the lesson you are studying when you are ready to dive in. Aside from presenting excerpts from the larger sefer, there are many interpretations and hesberim in the Kitzur that are extremely helpful. Last but not least, it can be a good springboard for hisbodedus when you are working on a certain lesson and want to internalize its message and follow the living path it delineates. Thus the "Kitzur" can be a shortcut to the tachlis!"
re: Rav Dovid Sears' point,
Likkutei Sichot worked as a "getting to know one another" for me and Rebbe Nachman's teachings.
Likkutei Sichos is a gold mine of chokhmah and ahavah v'yirah, and is a wonderful hakadamah to just about anything in Chassidus, inside or outside of Chabad.
The special ma'aleh of Kitzur Likkutei Moharan, though, is that it gives you so many of the key concepts that are specific to Rebbe Nachman's thought and eitzos in avodas Hashem.
Heichal Hakodesh (Rabbi Shick)has been giving out the Kitzur Likutei Mohoran lately. It's a nice version with nekudos.
@R' dovid sears,
My mistake, I meant Sichot HaRan, not Likkutei Sichot. (i've barely delved into Likkutei Sichot, but Sichot HaRan was my introduction to Rebbe Nachman's teachings.)
I haven't really revisited it, so I can't really compare it now to Likkutei Moharan, but based on my limited memory, I think it was more accessible, while being a very good phrasing of lots of Rebbe Nachman's ideas.
Rabbi Chaim Kramer told me that Rabbi Rosenfeld Z"L used to have two סדרים immediately after davening while wearing his Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin - Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and Kitzur Likutey Moharan.
Rabbi Rosenfeld Z"L advised his Talmidim individually on what they should focus on in learning. To one of them he advised learning Gemarah B'Iyun and Kitzur Likutey Moharan.
Similar to your question is the way one should learn Likutey Halachos. Learning straight through Likutey Halachos is sweeter than honey. At the same time, learning a Torah well in Likutey Moharan and then learning the corresponding Halachos from Likutey Halachos on that Torah is a whole different world!
Avi: Thanks for your feedback. I have found the learning Kitzur Likutey Moharan and then the corresponding Likutey Tefillos to be amazing as well!
A Smiple Jew -
Thanks for bringing that up. I wanted to mention it and forgot to. I know of a Breslover who spent a significant portion of his time doing just that - learning a Torah in Kitzur LM and then saying the corresponding Tefillah - for about a year. Also, Keren R Odessor has a sefer set up just so - the Kitzuer LM followed by the Tefillah - in order of the Torahs.
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