A Simple Jew
אַשְׂכִּילָה בְּדֶרֶךְ תָּמִים
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
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I would like to thank David Friedman for sending me this piece as well.
whats with the zionist pic?
While a person may take issue with Zionism, I don't think you would disagree that this is a picture of a Jew davening.
Have patience, perhaps in the year of your absence people have forgotten what it is like to not have machloches be the norm in online discussion. :)
You can be a kanoi only if you are also a Ohev Yisroel (such was the Satmar Rebbe). You need to be a kanoi accross the board including in Ahavas Yisroel. I am not taking any sides on the tzioni issue, but if you're anti tzioni and a Ohev Yisroel you should say in a Bardichiver way "Ribono Shel Olam, look even a tzioni is davening to you. Mi keamcha Yisroel!"
Anonymous of September 29, 2010 3:06:00 PM EDT,
There is, after all, a whole group of religious Zionists, many in the armed forces, who daven with regularity and sincerity. It's not such an anomaly, so your parallel is imprecise.
Every citizen of Israel has to serve in the army, unless they learn in kollel until the age of 28, deferring army service every six months. If they aren't cut out for kollel and need to work, they can't do so without serving in the army. Hundreds of thousands of Jews in Israel do army service. They are not all "pasul" G-d forbid, regardless of whatever your perspective is on the ideology of secular Zionism.
Shalom leculam...
Slija abal ani lo iodaat eij lijtov beanglit.
Rak ani rotza lemor masheu al zeh: ani joshevet shel inian mi'Segula to Rectify...' hu lo im hatemunah tzioni o lo, hainian iakar zeh she iesh tikun keshe haiehudim lo iejolim lehitpalel im minian. Hatemunah mamash mitrageshet: jaial mitpalel lifnei Kise HaKavod kamonu, ki hu IEHUDI..... im hu tzioni o lo tzioni, zeh lo jashuv, hainian HU IEHUDI SHE MABTIAJ BEBOREH OLAM!!!
Berajot mi Buenos Aires, Argentina
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