The Year That Passed, The Year That Is To Be

"What is the mitzva I should concentrate on during 5770?", I asked the Sudilkover Rebbe.
The Rebbe paused and thought for sometime before responding, "Do you give ma'aser properly?"
"...well, I certainly give tzedaka throughout the course of the year...", I admitted.
With a look of disapproval, the Rebbe then said, "Every Jew gives tzedaka!!! What I am asking is whether you have a separate account devoted to for ma'aser."
To this, I admitted the truth: I did not. The Rebbe suggested that I review the halachos of ma'aser and set up a separate account for this purpose. He reminded me that the Torah says that a person will benefit financially from giving ma'aser and suggested that perhaps I would be able to work less as well.
Returning from this meeting with the Rebbe in Cheshvan 5770, I reviewed the halachos of ma'aser, calculated what my annual ma'aser amount would be, and opened a ma'aser account that included a function to automatically transfer a set amount from each paycheck into this account.
The results from my observance of the mitzva of ma'aser proved to be amazing. Within the course of the year, I received a substantial raise in salary and permission to work from home one day a week. This second benefit has aided me greatly in my avodas Hashem. Not only do I have more time during the week to learn, but I also have more time to devote to my book project. Looking back now, I realize that my observance of this mitzva helped create the nonexistent spare time that I was seeking last year.
Three days before Rosh Hashana this year, I was fortunate to meet with the Sudilkover Rebbe once again in Boro Park. I asked him what area in my avodas Hashem I needed to concentrate on during 5751 and also asked him some remaining questions that I had regarding my book project. I have since written up his responses pertaining to my book project and I hope to have a completed manuscript within the next month or two. The next stage will be to send the manuscript out to a number of people for their review and editorial comments before I approach a publisher.
G-d willing, I hope to be able to return to posting here on a more frequent basis and perhaps one day even announce the release of my book on this site.
How wonderful to find you once again posting! May the new year bring many opportunities for new mitzvot.
Your post today was a breath of fresh air. I too struggled with giving proper maaser this year and b"H believe I was successful at performing that mitzvah this year. It is truly a joy to read how at times we travel on the same path. Gmar Chasima Tova! May this year be your most successful year yet!
I agree with LBC: a breath of fresh air, indeed. Perhaps I need a rebbe of whom I can ask questions. Sometimes I feel like there's a space that needs filling or emptying, yet I don't begin to know what or how to approach it.
I've missed your posts, ASJ.
Hatzlacha Rabba with all.
Welcome back! I hope you continue to post - your blog is an inspiration.
Amazing to see the new post! Baruch Hashem that taking ma'aser has shown fruits spiritually and financially.
Much hatzlacha on the sefer. I know it will be a big chizuk to me and I can't wait to see it!
Just this week, I was telling a friend how much I still miss your blog and its unique blend of personal reflections, learned teachings, art, and inspiration. What you gave (and still give) to your readers is a kind of spiritual ma’aser: the sharing of even a small portion of your thoughts and experiences is enriching to all of us!
I can't wait to read your book. Much success!
Hatzlocha Roba! So nice to hear your voice and hope we will much more! Shana tova, Gmar tov!
that is just great, so glad to hear that things are working out for you!
It is great to hear from you all! Thank you so much for the chizuk.
A Gut Yohr. When you're ready please start posting again. This blog is really important. Zeit Gezunt.
Awesome uplifting news. : )
Does the Rebbe have a shul and kehilla here in Eretz Yisruel? If so where is it located?
He lives in Ramat Bet Shemesh
Hag Sameach and good to hear from you again. Looking forward to the book.
Yasher koach, it is wonderful to see your posts back on the blog. I've really missed your comments. I am sure your project will turn out well!
Chag Sameach! L'shanah tovah!
L'shanah haba-ah b'Yerushalayim!
Der ewige Jude & Gandalin: I am so thrilled to know that you are still out there reading my posts.
Yasher koach ASJ. I missed your blogs immensely, and hope that you are back to stay. Shana Tova!
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