Halachic Measurements Chart
Since the time of my last posting on the subject, I have consulted multiple sources and put together a halachic measurements chart to use as a reference tool in my learning. Many other people that I have spoken with also expressed an interest to have a chart based upon the English system rather than the metric system since this was the system their American minds best related to. Additionally, I went through the Chumash, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, and Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Beis Habechirah and extracted some other common measurements for use as a quick reference.
Click here for a .pdf copy of the halachic measurements chart.

Note: While researching this topic, Rabbi Dovid Sears told me, "In Ukraine, the shiurim were smaller -- probably even less than those of Rav Chaim No'eh!" Additionally, the Sudilkover Rebbe noted that Rebbe Nachman of Breslov's kiddush cup held the correct shiur according to Rav No'eh.
Eons ago when I was in Yeshiva, there was a story that went around saying that someone had found the Chafetz Chaim's Kiddush cup. It found its way to Lakewood, but no one would use it! :))
Thanks funny. And as you have probably seen from the Chazon Ish posting below, if the Beis HaMikdash was built according to his shiur, it wouldn't fit on Har Habayis!
The way I heard it was that the Chafetz Chaim's grandson had his kiddush cup but because he had learned by the Brisker Rav, he wouldn't use it.
Gil & ASJ, It's indeed possible that your version is correct. I remember the gist of what I heard, not the actual name of the Yeshiva.
as you have probably seen from the Chazon Ish posting below
Uh? Wuzzat? I don't see anything. Please enlighten me/us. :))
Actually he said based on one end of the Har Habayis the Chazon Ish's shiur fits exactly
Wow. A lot of work went into that! Yasher koach! Now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to fit a three page document on a two-sided laminated sheet for my gemara!
-Dixie Yid
The Chofetz Chaim's kiddush cup is in Petach Tikvah by a descendent of his (I forgot who but bl"n I'll find out over Shabbos and post here.)
It is smaller than the size he himself writes in the Mishne Brurah. When asked about this, he responded that he received the kiddush cup from his father.
Interesting. Thanks!
The Lost Kiddush Cup: Changes in Ashkenazic Haredi Culture - A Tradition in Crisis
the pdf seems not to be working?
Ok. Here's the skoop on the Chofetz Chaim's kiddush cup:
1. I heard that the cup is in the hands of Rav Hillel Zaks, a grandson of the Chofetz Chaim. He is a Rav in a section of Kiryat Sefer called Brachfeld.
2. Rav Karp in a Hilchos Chag BeChag by Rav Karp in the volume on Pesach, Chapt. 19 footnote 11 writes that the Chofetz Chaim's grandson said that the cup holds 100 grams.
100 grams is the shiur of 2 medium size eggs in their shells. The Chafetz Chaim in O.C. 271, seif katan 68 and the Biur Halacha there says that this is the shiur for Derabanans and Kos shel Bracha. For D'Oraisas like Friday night Kiddush, it is proper to be machmir like the shita of the Tzalach (size of eggs are half now what they were at the time of the Gemara) and use a shiur of 3 eggs in their shells which is a cup that holds 150 grams.
Another interesting item that Rav Karp brings is that the Einayim LeMishpat, a descendent of the Vilna Gaon had the Gaon's kiddush cup and said that it held 120 grams.
Yitz, he means this
please update the pdf link.. does not work
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