Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Another 40 Days - Reopening The Notebook - Part 1

After completing the first 40 day plan, I spoke to Sudilkover Rebbe on the phone about my experiences. He told me that he read my posting, gotten tremendous chizuk from it, and planned to share it with others who came to see him. The Rebbe then told me he wanted me to start another 40 days to concentrate on the second column of my notebook. From what I had repeatedly written down during the previous 40 days, it was evident what my greatest challenge was; anger.

You may recall from last year that overcoming my anger and having more patience with my children was also my resolution from Rosh Hashana for the new year. However, if I were to hold myself up to strict accountability and grade myself on my progress since then, I would say that I had only progressed from a C+ to a B-.

Although I may raise my voice on occasion, I never hit my children and never scream at them. If they really misbehave, I respond by saying, "That's 1." At the count of three, I pick them up and put them in their room for a few short minutes to show them that their behavior is unacceptable. Afterwards, I don't lecture them, I just let them come downstairs again. On a good day, I only have to count for them to correct their behavior, and on an extremely bad day I might have to put them in their room two or three times.

Whether I am strict or lenient when they misbehave I never get the feeling that I am completely doing the right thing. Sometimes my 3 year-old son comes over and wildly runs and jumps around in the kitchen and family room. A tinge of anger goes off in my mind and I grab him to stop him with a grip that is a bit harder than I would like to admit. It is that tinge of anger that I experience that bothers me. If my wife notices me doing this, she immediately stops me. While I am always grateful that she does, I still feel shame that I acted out of anger.

The Sudilkover Rebbe instructed me to use my notebook and once again divide it into three columns so that I could write down the good points for each of my children each day. He then told me to read what I had written down out loud before I said Krias Shema al HaMita before going to sleep each night.

When the Rebbe first told me this advice, I told him that in my experience that my success or failure with my children on a daily basis seemed to be completely out of my control since success raising children is ultimately in Hashem's hands. I could start the day with the brightest smile, the kindest words, and never-ending patience and still have a day that backfired on me inevitably resulting with me loosing my temper. Whether I did everything right or everything wrong, I could still end up with the same result.

The Rebbe listened to my objections and the stressed once again the importance of using the notebook. He mentioned that he too was not on a level where he considered using a notebook to be beneath him. I ceased my objections and told him that I would start this 40 day plan on that very day. While logically I could not fathom how I would be successful by following this new advice, I decided to put my brain aside and accept his words with the simple faith that indeed there must be something to them.

When I got home that evening, I got the notebook out from the drawer of my nightstand, divided the page into three columns, and started writing down their good points. Immediately, I realized that if I was going to be successful I would need to take the advice I gleaned from the lesson I learned in this posting, and apply it to my children. I also recalled a teaching that I had come across while learning Midrash Pinchas a few days prior regarding the words בַּקֵּשׁ שָׁלוֹם וְרָדְפֵהוּ - peace and pursue it from Tehillim 34:15. There Rabbi Shmuel Voltses, a talmid of Rebbe Raphael of Bershad, taught that to make peace a person does not need to initiate a elaborate global campaign to bring world peace. Rather, he should simply focus on establishing peace with the children in his home and thereby bring peace into his world.

In order to ensure my success, I also resolved to give $18 to tzedaka for every occurrence where I grabbed my son or older daughter out of anger. Before I returned home each day, I would diligently remind myself that there would be a penalty if I lost my temper and I would ask Hashem for help to be successful that evening; keeping in mind the Pele Yoetz's observation,

"It takes great understanding to fathom the workings of a child's mind and to deal with him appropriately."

I spoke with the Sudilkover Rebbe on the phone shortly before he returned home to Ramat Beit Shemesh and gave him a progress report up to that point. I explained my tactic of instituting a fine and also suggested that I might need another 40 days when I was done because of my limited progress controlling my anger with my children. The Rebbe responded,

"Let me tell you something, by using the notebook you are making them better."

Having reviewed Likutey Moharan "Reish Peh Beis" numerous times since he first advised me, I understood that the Rebbe was referring to the concept that one can literally elevate a person when one he judges them favorably and seeks out their good points.

Perhaps it was my conversation with the Rebbe that day that reinvigorated me, however, later that night my wife complimented me how well I had dealt with our kids and their outbursts earlier that evening. This was the very first time I could recall my wife ever making such a comment to me. I didn't know whether to attribute it to the fact that I was just simply in a good mood that day or whether I actually had made a breakthrough. Was it possible that my breakthrough with anger had just occurred 14 days after starting the Rebbe's 40 day plan?

Part II is continued here.


At February 13, 2008 at 10:02:00 PM EST, Blogger Jack Steiner said...

Whether I am strict or lenient when they misbehave I never get the feeling that I am completely doing the right thing.


I know the feeling. Sometimes I think that I am parenting by nothing more than the seat of my pants.

At February 14, 2008 at 12:28:00 AM EST, Blogger Neil Harris said...

Staying focused with things like anger and patiences is as we've read on your blog by others, not so easy. When a parent comes home from a long day at work, each child expects to the first to start telling about the amazing things that happened, or that no one noticed the youngest child eating a 'valuable' base ball card.

Keeping in mind all the good qualities of our kids is so solid advice that it almost hurts!

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At April 23, 2020 at 12:17:00 PM EDT, Blogger HP Number said...

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At April 16, 2021 at 7:48:00 AM EDT, Blogger Alice Addy said...

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At April 11, 2023 at 5:24:00 AM EDT, Blogger myassignmenthelp21 said...

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At April 15, 2023 at 4:54:00 AM EDT, Blogger ireland assignment help said...

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At May 9, 2023 at 3:08:00 AM EDT, Blogger Malta Assignment Help said...

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At May 11, 2023 at 12:16:00 PM EDT, Blogger Go Rajasthan Travel said...

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At August 30, 2023 at 7:19:00 AM EDT, Blogger Global Assignment Expert said...

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At October 14, 2023 at 1:26:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At October 23, 2023 at 7:12:00 PM EDT, Blogger theresafking said...

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you feel like you're in a foreign land, even though you're in a place you should know like the back of your hand? That's precisely what happened to me recently when I ventured into a local bar, thinking I was well-versed in the art of ordering drinks. Little did I know that I was in for an enlightening experience that involved unfamiliar terms and even a reference to "Global Assignment Help UK." Yes, you read that right – a seemingly unrelated keyword that ended up being part of my adventure.
It all began on a casual evening out with friends. We decided to hit a popular local bar to unwind and enjoy our weekend. Little did I know that I was about to step into the world of bar lingo that I had never encountered before.
As we settled down at a cozy corner, I noticed a group of people ordering drinks, but their requests were far from the ordinary. They weren't asking for the usual cocktails, beers, or even a simple glass of wine. Instead, they were using a peculiar term, "back," in a chaser. To my surprise, the bartender seemed equally confused.
Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't resist asking our server what this mysterious "back" in a chaser meant. That's when he shared a humorous yet enlightening story. It turned out that "back" was a reference to a shot of a drink that's served alongside another drink. In other words, it's a chaser, meant to be consumed immediately after the main drink. It was an unusual term for me, but now I knew better.
But that was just the tip of the iceberg. As our evening progressed, I overheard a group of three people at the neighboring table requesting a "back" with their order. I had a vague idea of what this meant now, but the bartender's reaction took me by surprise. He firmly refused to serve it straight up. This led to a series of raised eyebrows, puzzled expressions, and a palpable tension in the air.
The bartender's refusal was met with disbelief from the customers, but he was resolute. He explained that serving a "back" straight up was not only unusual but also discouraged due to certain local regulations. While it might have been a common practice in some places, this particular bar had its own set of rules and traditions.
As I sat there, trying to make sense of the situation, the keywords "get global assignment help UK" unexpectedly flashed through my mind. It felt like a digital breadcrumb, leading me to explore this bizarre encounter further. I couldn't help but draw parallels between my bar experience and the challenges that students might face when encountering unfamiliar terms or practices in a new academic environment, such as pursuing a global assignment in the UK.
Just like my journey into the world of bar lingo, students pursuing global assignments can find themselves in unfamiliar territory, trying to navigate a different educational system, culture, and expectations. It's a situation where guidance and support become invaluable, and services like "Global Assignment Help UK" might come to the rescue, offering assistance and insights to help students thrive in their academic endeavors abroad.
In conclusion, my evening at the local bar was a delightful mix of unexpected encounters and lessons learned. I may not have been a master of bar lingo, but I did discover a connection between my experience and the challenges that students face when pursuing global assignments. It's a reminder that unfamiliar terms and practices can be conquered with the right guidance, just as one might seek assistance from "Global Assignment Help UK" to excel in their academic journey.
So, the next time you're at a bar and someone mentions a "back" in a chaser, remember my adventure and be prepared to embrace the unexpected—just like the students seeking help to excel in their global assignments.

At October 31, 2023 at 5:44:00 AM EDT, Blogger Krishanu Chakraborty said...

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At October 31, 2023 at 6:02:00 AM EDT, Blogger Beautuli said...

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At November 10, 2023 at 12:53:00 AM EST, Blogger William Jones said...

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At November 14, 2023 at 10:29:00 PM EST, Blogger Lumiere Holidays said...

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At November 21, 2023 at 3:16:00 AM EST, Anonymous WordPress Development Company in Delhi said...

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At November 21, 2023 at 5:57:00 AM EST, Blogger Diploma Assignment Help said...

Work with a Humanities assignment expert in UK to enhance your academic journey. Our dedicated professionals bring a wealth of knowledge to assist you in various Humanities disciplines. Get personalized guidance and unlock your potential with the expertise of our seasoned professionals.

At November 22, 2023 at 10:17:00 PM EST, Blogger Unknown said...

Experience optimal recovery and wellness at Ignite Speech's Physiotherapy services. Our dedicated team employs cutting-edge techniques to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and enhance physical well-being. Tailored rehabilitation plans cater to individual needs, ensuring a holistic approach to healing.

At November 29, 2023 at 9:42:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may take your style to the next level by wearing a Men Brown Leather Jacket, which exudes an air of classic refinement. Our guide encourages you to embrace the raw but sophisticated attractiveness of this wardrobe staple, which is created by combining traditional design with current fashion to produce an item that is adaptable and can be worn throughout the year or across the seasons.

At December 9, 2023 at 12:46:00 AM EST, Blogger Russian Artist Hub said...

Immerse your Indian event in lively melodies and vibrant rhythms with our versatile Russian Band. Let the fusion of Russian music elevate your celebration, offering a unique cultural experience. Russian Artist Hub brings talented musicians to your occasion—visit our website to infuse your event with the captivating sounds of Russia!

At December 26, 2023 at 12:19:00 PM EST, Blogger Optima Travels said...

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At January 15, 2024 at 12:06:00 PM EST, Blogger akritirathore said...

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At January 27, 2024 at 4:38:00 AM EST, Blogger Paul said...

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At February 10, 2024 at 6:18:00 AM EST, Anonymous David said...

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At March 4, 2024 at 12:05:00 AM EST, Anonymous Mobile App Development Company in Delhi said...

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At May 2, 2024 at 6:29:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Canadian universities education said...

Canada has become an ideal place for higher education studies, sought by many prospective international students. Many of the Canadian universities are present in reputed international rankings. Canada is known for its top universities, high-quality education, friendly people and picturesque locations.

Canada offers unique opportunities, premium standards of education and an overall enriching experience for international students who choose to study in Canada . It has some of the best student cities in the world. Montreal and Toronto have just about everything students could possibly ask for. As per a recent survey, Canada is one of the top destinations preferred by international students planning their studies abroad.

Canada has more than 20+ private universities and 90+ public universities, offering 15,000 study options across fields. The programs enhance subject knowledge and skills such as teamwork, effective communication, critical thinking, and leadership qualities.

1. Many of the top-ranked universities in the world are in Canada
Universities from Canada have a long history and reputation in terms of academic performance and high graduate employability rate. In fact, many of the Canadian higher educational institutions compete with leading and famous universities from the U.S. and the UK for instance.
Some of the top-ranked Canadian universities are:
· University of Toronto
· University of British Columbia
· McGill University
· University of Montreal
· University of Alberta
2. English is everywhere
English and French are both official languages in Canada and share equal status, but anywhere you choose to go in Canada, you can easily survive just by speaking and communicating in English. However, while in Canada, you can seize the opportunity and learn some French or brush up your French language skills.
All universities from Canada offer English-taught degrees for all Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level, so your main concern is to simply find a field of study according to your preferences.
3. Academic Excellence
Since education is a provincial responsibility, the provincial governments ensure that the quality of education is consistently very high throughout Canada irrespective of the type of institution – university or college. If you want to gain a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree, choose from a wide range of universities as per your eligibility. If you are looking for shorter and relevant route to gain skills to become employable, choose from a number of specialised diplomas, advanced diplomas and post-graduate diplomas at Canadian colleges.

At July 19, 2024 at 11:19:00 AM EDT, Blogger mikkimarcus said...

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At July 19, 2024 at 11:23:00 AM EDT, Blogger mikkimarcus said...

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At July 29, 2024 at 4:01:00 PM EDT, Anonymous David said...

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At July 30, 2024 at 9:15:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Modelsbank Agency said...


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At October 21, 2024 at 9:02:00 AM EDT, Blogger Ned Leeds said...

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