Monday, February 13, 2012

A Subconscious Connection

Subconsciously, a person will often reach for something sweet or savory to eat when experiencing feelings of unhapiness. The pleasurable experience of eating becomes a mechanism to help a person to forget what is presently bothering him.

However, a person does not just forget his feelings of unhapiness while eating. Caught in the physicality of food, a person also temporarily forgets Hashem.

A craving to snack may not be a true expression of the body's desire for nourishment. It may be the neshamah's call to remind us to connect with our Creator.

Monday, February 06, 2012

"Divrei Avodah"

I would like to offer a suggestion.

Let's begin speaking divrei avodah instead of (or if would make you more comfortable, perhaps "in addition to") divrei Torah at the Shabbos table.

How does one speak divrei avodah?

Simply by relating how an event or interaction with another person made a positive impact on your avodas Hashem and caused you to do something you previously did not.

When speaking divrei avodah you do not need to know how Rashi, Ramban, or the Abarbanel commented on a particular verse. You do not need to give a summary overview of the events in the parsha or ask questions about the parsha's details. You may not need to even mention the parsha at all!

You do, however, need to be aware of all the messages that Hashem sends you during the course of the week in order to try to internalize them and share them with the people sitting around your Shabbos table.

It will be these personal divrei avodah that your guests take with them when other divrei Torah are long forgotten. Perhaps they will even become seeds that others plant and nurture in gardens of their own.